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Just came by to thank for this post. Had heard about many people having problems with these glitches, but it never ocurred to me... Until a while ago. Started with an unremovable draugr eye. Nearly all the existant fixes (involving the addspell/removespell) weren't working. This post really did it for me! Later, an encounter with a wispmother, got both the smoke and wisp on the feet. Only this time I knew where to turn to x)

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Hi All,


I just wanted to say I tried EVERY single one of the listed options above! (one worked for getting rid of the draugr eyes) but. I was still unable to remove (pardon the french) that mother f***ing wispmother fog!


another other tips or tricks anyone has tried?

HideousFox Can't remember where, but a friend downloaded this mod with 2 bat files ( bat wispfix1 and bat wispfix2). I believe it's the same thing, but he said it worked for him. Might want to search for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, I am having a strange blue-ish effect on my character visible when casting spells. It looks like this blue energy goes into my body a bit like charging up.




I found out this was related to the sidequest of Brelyna at Winterhold when she tests spells on you. I had to use commands to get it done since the progress was stuck.


I had that even before the quest, but letting the active effect expire simply solved that problem.




Another thing recently occured on a second character after doing the Master Conjuration quest:





First steps I tried was adding and removing the Summon Unbound Dremora spell, curing vampirism and getting rid of the atronach perk and atronach stone, no success yet. :sad:


As far as I can tell this is not related to an active effect I have on me, sexchange command and turning into a vampire lord also just remove it until I the next time when I load this save. This also did not happen on my above mentioned main character.


I also want to thank you authors for this great topic, did not know so much stuff can get stuck on you :)



EDIT: I had the idea to test a different approach, I started the Conjuration Ritual Quest with commands again since it was broken before and I could not speak to the Dremora and I had to finish it with commands.


This time everything worked, during the quest I played around with different spells until this effect suddenly no longer appeared when casting. I completed it regularly and also removed the Summon Unbound Dremora spell via command. Everything is fine again. :D

Edited by mrgstrings
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  • 4 weeks later...

Got a weird bug that turned my entire char invisible, except for the hair, that is (it had a different alpha setting than the rest, I suppose). Apparenty, having Ironflesh and a flame cloak active, while fighting vampires inside a fog does strange things to the engine.

Dispellall and setactoralpha did nothing, but SEFSH.txt from LubitelSofta fixed it (those russian hackers, eh?) Thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

How to remove / disable permanent water walking caused by Mod SPERG ?

Problem: When I install SPERG SSE 1.4 my char has water walking permanent.


When I look in console for it, I get as result

MGEF 0008cac9 Wasserwandeln
MGEF 040390E1 Wasserwandeln
MGEF 4D0EEA6A Wasserwandeln
MGEF 540B9EFE Wasserwandeln

ENCH 0401C656 Wasserwandeln

SPEL 040173c2 Wasserwandeln
SPEL 4d0EE4c5 Wasserwandeln


No idea what / how to do to to disable the permanent water walking.

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hey so i'm having a problem with the smoke effect from what i believe is the prowler from the mod Project AHO. it uses the same effect as the dwemer centurion but when i tried the add/remove spell console commands it didnt solve the issue for me. i also tried dispelallspells or whatever the line was to fix that too but it also did nothing. tried reloading and loading previous saves and still nothing.




heres a screenshot of the effect.



Did this ever get fixed, I have the same issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How to remove / disable permanent water walking caused by Mod SPERG ?

Problem: When I install SPERG SSE 1.4 my char has water walking permanent.


When I look in console for it, I get as result

MGEF 0008cac9 Wasserwandeln

MGEF 040390E1 Wasserwandeln

MGEF 4D0EEA6A Wasserwandeln

MGEF 540B9EFE Wasserwandeln


ENCH 0401C656 Wasserwandeln


SPEL 040173c2 Wasserwandeln

SPEL 4d0EE4c5 Wasserwandeln


No idea what / how to do to to disable the permanent water walking.

in between I found what is causing this and it's solution:

It is caused by SPERG which sets up from lev 50 water breathing as ability, but if you already have it, then yo get water walking, so that you have both, water breathing and water walking as ability.


the MGEF - SPEPerkAdaptationWWEffect [0403D81A] is causing this.

The solution I found is: CK => sperg-sse.esp => activ

search for effect for 0403D81A and delete it complete. save, close CK

Then SPERG no longer gives water walking as ability.

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