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Need Help Finding a Good Player Home


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Ok so im new to pc, and modding however I have been able to navigate the nexus pretty well, im having trouble finding a player home that hits all or most of the points im looking for. What im looking for is a player home that is large enough for me to have 2-3 children (more children mod) 1 wife and 3-4 followers all living in one place(with beds for the followers), also I am quite the collector so i have a lot of special items to put up or hand place (which doesn't bother me its one of my favorite things to do, as long as they don't spawn and drop from the sky). Im looking for a house that has those things but is also not a small house with a massive interior I try to keep the game as close to "real" as I can. If there are any other mods anyone has a suggestion for me to try I would love to try them out, I do have 40+ mods installed now so I may have some of the newer bigger mods. If I posted in the wrong section or have irritated anyone I apologize in advance.


Thanks for any help :)

I have Dawnguard and Hearthfire installed

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Well, my mod below (signature has the link) does all of that but cannot accomodate children, I know there is a workaround but it can only be done to vanilla player houses. There may indeed be someone who has figured out how it works by now, but I haven't seen it.


Provided that you have mods such as UFO, My Home is Your Home, and Spouses Can Live Everywhere etc. You'll have no problems moving in everyone but the rugrats.

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Thanks for the reply :) Skyhammer Hold was on my next to download list already :) so ill be downloading it tonight and endorsing for sure, thanks for the suggestion. Edited by Tyson21
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Unfortunately I have yet to see a mod home that can accommodate children, In addition to Skyhammer I'd also suggest checking out Candle Pond Ranch I'm a huge collector of followers and this was my primary home for quite a while, the ground floor has beds for 9 followers, and the living area is very roomy, It didn't start to feel cramped in there until I packed around 20 followers in the place. :sweat:


If I had any complaints about it, I'd be too little display space for my taste but I can be hard to please when it comes that, right now I use The Forgotten Mountain Keep as my display area for my collection, thought it still has some small problems they're working of hammering out.


Another option if your looking for display space is Dovahkiins Warehouse and Bedroom but be warned,the amount of display space in there is massive to the point that I might even say it's too much despite the fact that I'm a collector and love to spend time organizing my collection.

Edited by ZeroSaber39
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The Dawnspire got 6 extra beds for followers and a lot of room to display your items (it was actually made to be able to host all unique vanilla weapons). Aside from weapons and armor, there are also places where you can display your Dragon Claws, Dragon Priest Masks and a library to store your books. Children however can't move in as of yet.
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Thanks for all the help so far guys :) ill be checking out all of these mods, everyone has been very helpful so far :))
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You pretty much described the mod listed in my signature. Go check out the description page, it sounds like exactly what you are looking for. It is not currently compatible with the adopted child's bedroom in Hearthfire but you won't need it as it has lots of other child friendly beds and idles, and couches to sleep on if your not getting along with the spouse! :biggrin: Cheers!
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WOW! so many great mods and amazing skill from you guys. Its amazing how nice and helpful everyone is(Big difference from XBL) Thank you for all the help ill be downloading your mods, and checking them out :)
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