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Unable to deploy & missing masters: fear & loathing in Fallout New Vegas


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I have the GOG edition of F:NV GotY. Windows 10 - 64-bit


Went into the game to set the ini, saw all the in-game alerts about the DLC and then exited. when I installed Yukichigai' Unofficial Patch I got the missing masters message. I checked the official plug-ins: all present, none installed. (Shouldn't they have been installed?) Activated the DLC, problem solved, right?


Not quite. I continued installing mods: Unofficial Patch NVSE, JIP LN NVSE Plugin, lStewieAl's Tweaks. Green lights everywhere, but all was not well. User Interface Organizer and VanillaUI+ and I'm not seeing patch versions displayed on the menu screen and I'm not seeing the custom UI I just installed. Exit game, poke around in Vortex.


After a bit of poking around, I uncover a red banner: unable to deploy mods. The staging folder has to be on the same volume as the game, and it wasn't. Which tells me none of the mods I've been getting green lights on had actually been deployed at the time.


Shouldn't the official content of the game have been activated by default? About half the titles were not story based and some of their content was placed in my inventory. And shouldn't that warning about deployability have appeared earlier? Like right after I selected FNV?

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