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[WIP] Commonwealth of Modders


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im really up for this idea,




problems: , every time a new modders wants to add his/her merchant, a new version would have to be released, that's alot of versions, why not let modders place they're own versions with they're NPCS? - defeats the point, it will cause conflicts.


Possible solution : nip it in the but from the 1st release, make set merchants, that all modder share, i.e a armour merchant, a clothing merchant, a weapon merchant etc.


This also adds the benefit for the player, as he wont have to filter though 20 + merchants to get his/her new armour, they simply go to the armour merchant. making a tidier much more organised venue.


It also adds the benefit to the overall quality of the building, as with so few npcs compared, ( your looking at 10/12 max ), this fixes the issue for voice acting, as it would be no where near as demanding.




So what does this leave?


A building that is full of npcs, each selling player made mods. there is a much bigger chance to have voice acting for these npcs. ANY modder can then add his/her mods to those merchants. the building is better for the player, its nice small and organised, easy to get your mods. The community will report conflicts to the modders themselves through the comment system, therefore leaving the modder to solve it. this actually leaves your building open to 1000's of modders, each adding they're content. where as the original plan leaves it for what ? 30 modders max? maybe 100 if you want to be silly?




Just thought id add my input and ideas. and if you need any help with this feel free to ask, this sounds like something id like to help out with :D

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there would be no need for a new version... every modder has his npc... this npc is associated with ai packages, quests, and the vendor lvl lists

if a modder now releases his new awesome gun he just loads the main mod his latest personal mod, changes the lootlist of the merchant and gives him the gun, saves under a new mod...

users load the main mod and the seperate or bundled "addons" of the individual modders


updated versions of the main mod will try to keep the former loot lists ids intact to keep downgrade compatibility


also the mod is not thought to be a mass market store... its thought for some really good modders to have a small tribute hometown were players can also buy the items... i wouldnt object tho if masses of freelance modders would build their shacks and tents around the harbour caravansery enclave

its more or less a place were modders can do what they want whilst having a base from where to operate, try things, create quests, a starting point... and a massive online role modding playing adventure...

make a nice quest? sure... have a new gun? just sell it... and so on... and with the collaboration of the modders who have yet signed i think somin exciting can come true

some "god modders" are still needed tho... people who create non item mods... for quests, scripts, landscape and such things... ("god" like in "not visible... maybe as hidden characters -computers, brooms, cats- but not necessarily with a shop)


whats needed atm: an indian bike model, a cocktail glass with a colorful umbrella model, a ganja plant model, a riding/driving script, a yacht model, a fishermansship model, a palm tree model... someone feasible in cs world creation, marker, nodes, paths and the like... a facegen master

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sure i decide who gets in... ever been to the republic of dave? the caravansery is a democracy afterall...




but its restricted simply to fullfill the purpose of creating a variable mod package of high quality standard... yet anybdy can sign up and try his/her luck/faith... rules are explained, hatman is on observation...




next teaser... still need to get collision to work somehow, fix the texture and get the window-day-night-ligtning right... a rescale would be needed too its at 3.0 scale atm


anyway the sub is my shelter lol >>>mine!<<<... i have space for maybe one or 2 female companions in my bunk and approcimately enough room for another vendor... a shed (megaton style) ontop of one of the sun decks (prolly aft) is planned aswell and could offer a roof to somekind of sea loving fisherman or baywatchess so the rest and newcomers plz come up with ideas and wishes regarding your home... and ya the b52 bomber will be main freak home in an expansion i guess so it wont feature this settlement...



ok after a resize prolly 2 to 4 other vendors and me will find place in the sub aswell as a relaxation room...


someone find out how collision works... plz lol...

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