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Force game folder location


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Why? If the required files are missing it's likely the game isn't installed, or you have an unrecognised copy of the game. If you can provide feedback on which game you're getting this error for and why your EXE is different we might be able to enhance the support for it.

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I can think of a few reasons you many want to do that:

a) You have a pirated copy of the game

b) You're trying to use Vortex with a game we actually don't support

c) You're trying to use Vortex with a variant of the game we don't support (e.g. steam variant is supported but not the one from EGS)


None of these use cases we want to support.

a - should be obvious, we don't support piracy and certainly won't go out of our way to make it easier

b - we want games to be properly supported, if a game doesn't currently work we want that to be reported and then game support added. We don't want to have users have to hack Vortex to make unsupported games work then write tutorials about it which would then very likely break as soon as we change anything about the game support for the original game or the core application. Either a game is supported or it's not supported.

Realistically, if your game works exactly the same as another game we already support, copying that game extension and adapting it is probably easier than any hack you could concoct anyway.

c - similar to b, please just report these cases so we (or the author of the game extension) can update it, it's often not enough to just accept the game directory, the way the game has to be started for example is often different between game stores. Don't assume that if you could get Vortex to accept the game directory that modding would then work. A dev has to review the game support and make sure everything works as expected.

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