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Oh. Darn.

Warhammer NoBaka

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This is not good. I had saved my game in Mournhold, in Godsreach. I go to load it, and an error comes up about the stock certificate from the Bloodmoon expansion pack, then it mentiones me saved game file.


Then the game is loaded, but it shows me at Moonmoth Legion Fort. Next thing I know, the screen turns gray, yet the HUD is still there. The music is playing normally, but I can't move around because the screen freezes.


This happened to my other game file, and this new one I've been playing on was the new one I had created. Now, I'm going to have to start my progress all over again!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


Is there a patch I need to download?! Tell me! I is desperate!!

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First and foremost, make a backup copy of your "Saves" folder in your Morrowind directory.


Do that before you do ANYTHING else.


Then make a list of any plug-ins that you are currently running.


Lastly, I would brace myself for a reinstall. I won't go so far as to say that's your only option, but things ARE sounding pretty bad.


If you need to reinstall, you may be able to restore your current game. You'll have to start a new game however, up till the point where you can save it. Once you do a game save, the "Saves" folder will be re-created in your Morrowind directory and you can move the files from your backup "saves" folder to the new one, now located in your MW directory. You can't just place the backup copy of the "Saves" folder back in manually: Morrowind has to create that folder before it will recognize the folder as being there. Trust me, I've been there.


Of course you'll want to reinstall your plug-ins, if any, to avoid errors when you load up your old character again.


Good luck.

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...i had the same problem a few days ago. and the results weren't pretty. assuming everything goes right then you're off scott free but with my experience it was much less enjoyable.


what ended up happening was even though i reinstalled the problem still persisted and i concluded that the error wasn't the .esm (cause it was freshly installed) but something got attached to the save game that made it unplayable. many thanks to the genius modder who doesn't playtest.


well luckily i had some save games archived but 20 days earlier...not fun to say the least, hope your situation turns out better than mine.

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From your description of the gray screen and being unable to move, it sounds like there was a clipping area, and you slipped through the ground. If you can, bring up your console and use the coc, "cellname" to bring yourself back from the gray void.
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I was at Moonmoth, then the screen turned gray. It didn't look like I slipped through the ground. The HUD was there, the music was playing...


As of late, I've been too lazy to fix the problem (let alone click the game's icon on my desktop), so I'll fix my file when I get around to it. :lol:

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yeah well when u do, try going in-game and bring up the console, type:

COC "Balmora"

and it shud spawn u near balmora. if that doesnt work then ur save file/game is definately corrupt

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