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game become unrealistic dificult.


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First i played Skyrim, It was hard for first 5 levels. I started to try out smithing, and i got 100 in Smithing. I made armors, weapons, i made myself a great Legendary gear and started to play. Trust me, you dont want to do this. Game will be very boring if u play vanilla. Dont get good gear or game will be boring and easy 90% of time. Better get angry about getting killed and try again other way, than go and kill everything like a terminator. Trust me.


PS.: If a giant doesnt skyrocket you to the moon, then the game is not fun anymore imo :D

Edited by Sovanak
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Never played Skyrim bellow Master level. Use Wet&Cold, Frostfall, AFT, Deadly Dragons, Better Magic, ABT, Character Creation Overhaul (to make the game feel more RPG and less console port), and Minty's Lightning (I got killed by lighting a couple of times, using her mod and it was awesome), among many others for werewolves, vampirelords, textures and extra weapons/armor. Just found out Duel - Combat Realism, so I'll download it when at home and see how it works. :)

Here is the RULE you must follow to play on Master, even at high levels (at least, if you use the kind of mods I do): If you see something that you can't fight, drink an invisibility potion and SPRINT AWAY.

Other than that, go sneaking around everywhere, look everyway all the time (yes, play the paranoic character and you'll live a bit longer). If you get the "detected" message, stop there, and look around until you see "what" detected you and act accordingly (sometimes, it's a bear or a sabrecat, that's far enough to let you know that if you get closer to his territory, you'll die). As always (I shouldn't even have to say this but...) SAVE OFTEN and in different slots (don't depend only on quicksaves), use those little red bottles you have in your inventory (they can really save your life on a tough spot) and decide what kind of character you want to be FROM THE START. Oblivion made a lot of people have the wrong idea about how to play this games. You DON'T have to train EVERYTHING to level 100, that's NOT what RPGs are about. Want to be a mage? Then train magic and never pick up a sword. Want to use heavy armor? Then sell every little piece of NOT heavy armor you find, and also all the pieces of heavy armor you won't use (seriously, making money in this game is too easy, there must be an economic overhaul somewhere, I just didn't find it yet). If you use both light and heavy armor, you are doing things horrendously wrong (check the perks, you need to use a whole SET to get them to work, so if you use mixed parts, you get less AR overall, and anything will kill you, even on Vanilla, as easy as it is). Also, many people doesn't know this but you don't NEED to level up as soon as you get the level. Wait for it, play low level for a while, most humanoid enemies level up with you (monsters and beast don't follow this rule, though...), some enemies are a bit easier to fight, and you can always use the level up to heal yourself. I started a game, found about 20 locations on the map, and started the fight with the first dragon who almost killed me with his flames. Then I leveld up from level 1 to 11 in one go (in order to save myself from his breath...), thanks to all the training I've been doing. The bad part was that suddenly, I was really underequiped for the new leveled enemies, so I got into a couple of tough fights and got back up really fast. :)

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I dont understand, if you sprint you have no stamina left to fight.

about Economy i only have 9000 gold, i spend almost 9000 gold in sword training from 65 to 70.


I still have 10 perk points left, and not trained a single point in light armor, but it's only 40 points to, so i guess their is the first problem.

and second problem, light armor perk only works with a same set, so basic screws the player, and i not wanna spend my points on Armor smiting for glass armor *light armor set*

witch cost 2 additional perk points, i wanna spend max 2 points one for steel smiting other for arcane blacksmith.

most likely sudden get my self a forsworn set, and thinker it, but that weight a lot, witch will makes me poor again in gold, ugggg.


guess i must switch to Sword Shield style, if i wanna save my char, or use the overpowered stealth+bow tactics, but then again the fun is gone of the game.

or become a vampire, or lycan. but lycan is not really logical when you own dawngaurd. (game line almost force you to become a vampire)


I uploaded a save for those that are interested.


Edited by Wouter445
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I dont understand, if you sprint you have no stamina left to fight.

about Economy i only have 9000 gold, i spend almost 9000 gold in sword training from 65 to 70.


I still have 10 perk points left, and not trained a single point in light armor, but it's only 40 points to, so i guess their is the first problem.

and second problem, light armor perk only works with a same set, so basic screws the player, and i not wanna spend my points on Armor smiting for glass armor *light armor set*

witch cost 2 additional perk points, i wanna spend max 2 points one for steel smiting other for arcane blacksmith.

most likely sudden get my self a forsworn set, and thinker it, but that weight a lot, witch will makes me poor again in gold, ugggg.


guess i must switch to Sword Shield style, if i wanna save my char, or use the overpowered stealth+bow tactics, but then again the fun is gone of the game.

or become a vampire, or lycan. but lycan is not really logical when you own dawngaurd. (game line almost force you to become a vampire)


I uploaded a save for those that are interested.



I plaid it 2 times with Lycan. And i can tell you, it was fun to assault the castle as a werewolf :D

Ohh and you can go from vampire back to lycan if u want. Speak to the archer companion woman. Dunno the name, its like Ayala :S


Edit: Running away is a great tactic, yes you run out of stam, but it should be enough to get away. if not, you still can drink a stamina potion. You do that, or die. Mostly they cant catch you, because (at least guards, and mages with their lame bolts) they will get their long range weapons like bows to shoot you.

Edited by Sovanak
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I dont understand, if you sprint you have no stamina left to fight.

about Economy i only have 9000 gold, i spend almost 9000 gold in sword training from 65 to 70.


I still have 10 perk points left, and not trained a single point in light armor, but it's only 40 points to, so i guess their is the first problem.

and second problem, light armor perk only works with a same set, so basic screws the player, and i not wanna spend my points on Armor smiting for glass armor *light armor set*

witch cost 2 additional perk points, i wanna spend max 2 points one for steel smiting other for arcane blacksmith.

most likely sudden get my self a forsworn set, and thinker it, but that weight a lot, witch will makes me poor again in gold, ugggg.


guess i must switch to Sword Shield style, if i wanna save my char, or use the overpowered stealth+bow tactics, but then again the fun is gone of the game.

or become a vampire, or lycan. but lycan is not really logical when you own dawngaurd. (game line almost force you to become a vampire)


What is it you don't understand? If you FLEE, you don't FIGHT. Not everything in Skyrim is there to be killed (not at the time you encounter it, at least). I've scaped from a couple Liches while searching for Words (bravely running away, while promissing I'll be back to kill them later... after I took the Word, of course). ;)

About gold: Clean any dungeon full of bandits, carry everything of (some) value up till the point you can't carry anything else (seriously, even to the point that you need to eat a flower to move normally), and fast travel to the closest town. Sell everything to the blacksmith, and anything you can't sell to him, you sell at the Trade Stock. Fast travel back to the dungeon, and repeat until you sold everything. Dungeons stay "clean" for up to a month, so you can go back as many times as you want. Do that for a couple of dungeons, and you are set for the game (specially, since after certain level you start finding lots of magical items). :D

Smithing: You don't need the perks to build the equipment, you can find most of it ingame. You just need Steel Smithing to be able to upgrade any unmagical equipment. But seriously, trying to get Arcane Blacksmith without making your own stuff, would require you to really spend gold in training (wich I find useless). But since no NPC in the game has "upgraded" equipment, you could play with the same stuff as they, and be on equal ground (then you'll see if you really are doing things fine).

Armors: In real life you don't go around with both heavy and light armor. When you learn to use heavy armor, you get your body in a shape and stance that allows you to move in that, and when you leart to use light armor, the stance and body build changes. In game, that gets represented (and poorly balanced... I'll comment on this in a minute) by the bonuses you get by going full set. You don't want to use the full set, do what you want, but don't cry about enemies killing you easily, when they DO use full sets. The problem in balance is that Heavy Armor is a broken tree. You need a mod to make it usefull, or you'll end up loosing in the long run. If you want an analogy about this subject, think about swimming and diving. They are very different skill sets, and knowing how to do one doesn't give any help on the other. BTW: Forsworn equipment just sucks. Go for elven (kill a couple Thalmor), or try searching dungeons for glass, when you are high level. :)

Dawnguard: DON'T become a werewolf before starting the quest. You won't be able to do so after (I opened a thread about that earlier). Also, you can play DG by becoming a real Vampire Hunter, and reject the offer to become a VL. It's up to you. Have in mind that since DG, werewolves become something worth playing (in Vanilla they were just... bleh), specially with mods like Werewolf Mastery. :)

Right now, I'm using a dual wielder light armored argonian werewolf, with Faendal as follower. I also use bow to start the fight (unless I'm in WW mode and just charge at front, with Faendal's arrows flying over my shoulder) up to the point we get discovered, then I just charge with my axe and sword to kill whatever remains. :) Also have a pure mage char who is a VL. Doesn't have the least clue about smithing, blocking or weapons (any). With Better Magic is possible to play with magic in a fun and balanced way. :) Just choose the kind of char you want to be, and go for it, don't worry too much about the skills you won't use (roleplay your char). If you are an assassin, then search for the Dark Brotherhood. If you are a Mage, then go for the Mages Guild. Don't go to the Companions, if you plan on playing a criminal (they are Honor bound warriors, after all). And don't go for the Thieves Guild, if you plan on playing the "Nice Guy". :)

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Skyrim can be difficult but like other things, you have to learn how to use what you have. I am not saying this to brag or to flaunt skillzzzzz or harass. I find Skyrim on Master level a little stumbling at best. IF you watch ALL enemies except dragons and spell caster (they have their own flaw too) they all rush in and do two things.


1: Posture in a defensive mode

2: Immediately attack.


If they posture, full out attack, but not to zero stamina. Then faint away as they ready their attack. Drift straight backwards, then left or right as they close. They will almost always miss.

If they attack stay close until their weapon or claw/talon starts to move then run backwards. They will almost always miss. Then charge for an attack and drift back.




Spell casters start a glowing spell crackle when they are ready to discharge their fury. Keep a tree, urn, pillar, NPC between you and it. Depending on their level, they get one, two, or three shots then need to recharge. At that point, engage. You do take some damage from indirect hits, but be aware where you step. Most of your accumulated damage is due to stepping into the persistant effect of the spell. If they summon a "pet", don't wast your time on it. Go for the owner. If you kill the owner, the pet dies. Just be aware of what the pet is and its abilties. You can use the pet as a shield while fighting its owner.


Never fight a dragon on a hill or open field. You take 100% of the damage (mius resistances). Instead, find a large tree and fight from it. When the dragon postures up and its head tips back, get behind the tree. Almost all of the damage will be negated. Then step out and attack (again be aware of where you step)


Powerful and unique creatures you need to get to aplace of cover and fight it like a spell caster. By the time you are fighting them, you should have some magical protection. There is always some terrain feature or object you can use in your defense (or attack). Just learn to judge your target or prey, be aware of your enemy number and positions, but above all, know when to run. You can always come back once you see how they react and where they all are located.




A final note. Don't stand toe to toe and exchange battle greetings. Always move. Move left , right, jump. The AI has a harder time tracking you. Use terrain, static items, people, other critters as part of your tactics.


watch before you engage. Judge the strength by equipment worn and position they are in. Look for a way out BEFORE things go bad. Have fun too, that helps. :)

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I hate Master difficulty. Increasing enemy damage and decreasing player damage is such a stupid way to increase difficulty.


But yes, survival on any difficulty comes down to doing something other than just being in melee range of every enemy and hitting them while they hit you. I would only use dual wield if my enemy was weak and I wanted to dispatch them quickly, focused on fighting a different thing, or paralyzed.

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I had the same problem but now I sneak more and climb up to places where they can't get to me and then hide after every shot

then save, then wait till they don't see me anymore then fire off anothor round then duck back and hide again. Works for me especially when i have multiple enemies.

Gets me out of nearly every fracas even with companions.

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