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game become unrealistic dificult.


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Skyrim is ment to be challenging.

Iv played trough a whole game with expert and it requires you to run from enemeis if you are not strong enough. Nothing wrong with that, infact i think its more realisticly.

If you from lvl 1 to 60 never meet an enemie than can crush you down like a worm, what is there to fear?

I am now starting to play on Master, and at lvl 1 right out of the cave the 3 wolfs before riverwood, i got to run like hell.

And i fnd this very realisticly. At lvl 1 with some crappy gear from the first cave you should not be able to kill 3 wolves.


I also play with ReSkyrim which is a superb mod for enhancing gameplay.

No it isn't. Skyrim is based on exploration. The fact that it becomes insanely difficult later in the game is a Dev problem. They created an extremely steep difficulty curve without realizing that the emphasis of the gameplay is on exploration and stats. There is no way to become "better" at Skyrim in the same way that one becomes better at Dark Souls, it is about looking, seeing, exploring. Running from wolves is not what the Beth team had in mind. They left insane difficulty to Bandai Namco and From Software

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this is why i always play as a warrior who can heal himself... at level 20, i think i can heal myself 4 times before i'm able to kill a freaking troll. And i play on Average difficulty.... The booring thing is at lvl 81, even in MAster difficulties, it'S still too easy....
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Skyrim is ment to be challenging.

Iv played trough a whole game with expert and it requires you to run from enemeis if you are not strong enough. Nothing wrong with that, infact i think its more realisticly.

If you from lvl 1 to 60 never meet an enemie than can crush you down like a worm, what is there to fear?

I am now starting to play on Master, and at lvl 1 right out of the cave the 3 wolfs before riverwood, i got to run like hell.

And i fnd this very realisticly. At lvl 1 with some crappy gear from the first cave you should not be able to kill 3 wolves.


I also play with ReSkyrim which is a superb mod for enhancing gameplay.

No it isn't. Skyrim is based on exploration. The fact that it becomes insanely difficult later in the game is a Dev problem. They created an extremely steep difficulty curve without realizing that the emphasis of the gameplay is on exploration and stats. There is no way to become "better" at Skyrim in the same way that one becomes better at Dark Souls, it is about looking, seeing, exploring. Running from wolves is not what the Beth team had in mind. They left insane difficulty to Bandai Namco and From Software

I agree, especially I found that once I had maxed sneak, archery and one handed, it got out of hand. I one shot a dragon on expert once because I was packing the sneak multiplier, appropriate perks and a powerful bow.

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No it isn't. Skyrim is based on exploration. The fact that it becomes insanely difficult later in the game is a Dev problem. They created an extremely steep difficulty curve without realizing that the emphasis of the gameplay is on exploration and stats. There is no way to become "better" at Skyrim in the same way that one becomes better at Dark Souls, it is about looking, seeing, exploring. Running from wolves is not what the Beth team had in mind. They left insane difficulty to Bandai Namco and From Software

I agree, especially I found that once I had maxed sneak, archery and one handed, it got out of hand. I one shot a dragon on expert once because I was packing the sneak multiplier, appropriate perks and a powerful bow.


SkyRe plays a lot like Dark Souls IMO. It takes a while but you can adapt to the difficulty. The enemies are much more clever than vanilla, if you play on adept it feels pretty organic. If you are a sadist you can play it on master :D

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think i gonna make a new sort of combat balance mod, consider this thread is still going.


I was thinking in the line as follow.


start by Iron number 2,2 and go's up the tiers)


------------------------ x Type=Damage per second. (weapon speed determent by Weight) heavy=slower

Lente (shorter the blade the lower the number)



Type material

0.3 Dagger 0.8 Battle Axe 2.09 Silver 2.49 Dwarven

0.4 Sword 0.9 War Hammer 2.17 Iron 2.64 Glass

0.5 One handed Axe ??? Bow unknown yet 2.25 Steel 2.71 Dragonbone

0.6 Mace 2.32 Elven 2.73 Ebony

0.7 Great Sword 2.43 Orcish 3.75 Daedric


Iron sword



--------- x 0,4=6.6 DpS





Iron Axe



---------- x0.5=15,9




Glass 2 handed Sword



-------------- x0.7=27,2 DpS




I still need to think about a formula for the bow, how do you people like this one so far???

Edited by Wouter445
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I find it pretty easy when I go 2handers+bow+restoration and enchanting my gear mainly for 2H damage.

I counter magic through Breton passive and anti-magic jewelry.

I can take quite a few opponents on with that build, and that's saying a lot since I don't use potions (I find them gimmicky as they are instant/no animation/easymode).


That is with vanilla combat of course.

I tried mods that alter perks/combat and they make the game terribly easy.


If you really have issues just grab dat perk and everything will be brain-dead faceroll EZmode.

I skip it because with that perk it's basically Neo of Matrix Reloaded vs the lesser Agents.

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Assuming you are not going over the top with God items and unreasononably modding vanilla items, a bow can easily get to be over 225 per hit at "sneaky" range.. Add another ~60 for enchantments and ~60 for poison then 3x multipler (base) for sneak attack and you have well over 800 points of damager on your first shot. You hide and shoot again (high level = high skill perks). I can wear miners clothing (not bulky, heavy or honestly, ugly and unrealistic looking armor), with dual enchantments and be a stealthy archer, take little to no damage fighting smartly. You reasonable can get off four shots (using perks) at any first target (will take out a dragon) and usually two at any secondary ones. From perches melee enemies have a hard time reaching, you take out archery targets first (with 80% resistance to fire/elect/frost and another ~80% resistance to magic, spell caster and dragon breath are completely harmless). Since the last I read long ago, resistance was capped at 80 regardless of your true listed number I stop all enchantments there.


on the generic locations (not counting all the mods/additional slot jewelry or helm/circlett mods) you have foot, body, hands, head, neck, ringer. 6 total locations (falmer helm and circlet work, but not counting it)


here's a typical enchantment distribution


head : magic, archery

body : magic, muffle

foot : magic ,fire

hand : electrical, fire

finger : frost, electrical

neck : sneak, frost


there are mods to give three perks at 100 enchantment, there are also ear rings, nose rings, lip rings multiple rings, circlett with helms, and then there's the private part insertions, clips and piercings. None of which are even slightly needed. If you get a race perk for one of the above enchantments (like Nords get frost), change that to archery.


Multiple targets are still no problem. With knock back and stun (or paralyze poison), you just need to switch targets with zoom and slow time perks. By the way, i use almost exclusively dwarven arrows for no other reason then I like how they look on the kill shots. Have four or five bows already poisoned and on your quick keys. Make sure your weapons are charged and at least one can soult trap. I almost NEVER nead to heal. I never use any spells and my mana is 100


edit :

With 100 mana and 4 items for magery, you can became guild master of the mages guild casting only five required spells. Bridge Crossing, Training Ward, Magical wall for the Sphere, fire/ice for Elder Scroll. Magery has great powers and effects, but in reality, quite useless and harmless childs games.


edit 2 : With tougher, increased critter and encounter mods one could conclude that my strategy is in error, I could conclude with three perks per slot and 8 more available slots, I am taking it easy on the game evan running at master level, tougher dragons, warzones and other added goodies (that I am already)

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