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An open plea to mod authors


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Hey folks


I have a question for all mod authors everywhere who can hear my voice. Of course, first off, I want to point out that I can only imagine the hard work you all put into your mods. Plus answering of questions and fixing incompatabilities etc etc....THANK YOU!


SO my question is:


Would it be possible for all authors to get together on some kind of system for naming the mod files? For example, I have many mods. Getting them to work together can take a lot of time and effort. When I need to re-add a file to NMM from my downloads folder, or when I need to inspect its contents in the NMM mods folder, it helps when the mod's esp and main file have the same name as the mod itself, or at least the first word or two.. For example, I have a an esp in NMM and I need to find out which mod it belongs to. Let's call it "Mel's Stuff.esp".


However I have no mods named "Mel" anything. And nothing seemingly related to it. I can spend a lot of time trying to hunt it down. The name of the file could be "pussywillows" for all I know. Also it could be that "Mel's Stuff" would show up under the NMM mods tab as "The Marvelous Mod Made by Mel"



Also about 3 mod files in my NMM Mods folder named "Main" or "Main file". I have 2 named "NMM installer". Another named "2048" .


Another issue can be the list under the "mods" tab in NMM. I have several with the same name and version number. Like when I add the main part of a mod and then a patch for it they both have the same name. Then I have to guess which is which.


I just mention this because even though the mod users could rename these files, wouldn't it be easier for the author to rename them once instead of thousands of users different doing it?

Edited by tVEC
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  • 7 months later...

The fact that nobody replied to this incredibly productive suggestion says a lot about the modding community. It amazes me how people will put all of that work into new content, altered game mechanics, even entirely new mechanics...but then make no effort at all to make it user-friendly. Before Skryrim was released I was pleading with the community to do exactly what the OP says, as well as to make every mod and mod patch BAIN or NMM friendly. Yet all we got was an even bigger mess than Oblivion or FO3. I will say this..the FO: Vegas modders did a much better job in making mods accessible but it still needed something like ASIS. And what about ASIS, for that matter? After reading everything I could find I'm STILL not sure if it replaces the need for TES5edit or supplements it. For the love of our collective sanity and PC gaming in general, dearest mod makers...please, please, please start putting as much attention into making these mods easy to use as you do into every other aspect of their creation. It will only gain you more attention and appreciation for your work. Thank you!

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The fact that nobody replied to this incredibly productive suggestion says a lot about the modding community.


While your suggestion would be great in an ideal world...you also need to realize the nature of the situation. Mods are literally made by ANYBODY. Even if you got everybody who currently makes/maintains mods to agree to your suggestion (which isn't going to happen), there could be a new group of people tomorrow who want to try modding the game that know nothing about your proposed system.


It would be nice if it would happen, but the logistics of trying to get everyone to abide by it are completely unrealistic.

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I do agree, I have clost to a thousand mods downloaded on my computer, and I have several that have zip files named stuff like 2.435495789.zip and esps named things like 'm2.esp' it's infuriating that people can't take two seconds longer to name their files right... I think the nexus should just add a not next to the upload thing saying


"Remember to name your files clearer so people remember what they are after they download them!"

Edited by ArtMurder
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Some modding sites can change the archive file's name. The mod author does not have control over that. The Nexus is one such place. Keep that in mind when stating that mod author's do not name things to be user friendly. Sometimes an author will use a naming scheme throughout the entire process and when uploading decide on a better or more descriptive name to use on the website. Once an author understands how a site works, they can work their names to make sense throughout the process. But that doesn't happen overnight and certainly not before their first mod release.

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I agree, however, I think you'll find that a lot of modders put all the file names that are included in the mod, into the Read_Me.txt file...I know I do. This makes it easier to un-install. Simply go through the list and delete the files after deactivating the mod.


The problem is, most folk don't bother to read it.

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