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Anyone else wish Far Cry 3 was Bethesda-esk?


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Everyone who's a Bethesda fan of the content they put out (fallout series, elder scrolls series, and dishonored to name just a few of their more popular titles) knows that there truly is something..."special" about a game developed by them. I remember when I saw the trailer for dishonored and thought it would be a good game, and then saw the makers and had a smile on my face. Their games are vast, tons of varied content, immersive, and a guaranteed excellent time. Far Cry 3 wasn't made by Bethesda, but it certainly was fantastic nonetheless. The graphics and expansive open world to explore was mind boggling. Then I thought about how amazing it would be if Far Cry had ES elements to it (we all know the machinima quote about the game, "Skyrim with guns" but we all know that's not really true). Nothing would make me happier than going onto one of these fantastic looking islands and setting up a nice house where I could show off the custom guns and possible trophies from performing certain accomplishments. That would make Far Cry 3 one of my favorite games of all time haha. Anyone else agree?
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Everyone who's a Bethesda fan of the content they put out (fallout series, elder scrolls series, and dishonored to name just a few of their more popular titles) knows that there truly is something..."special" about a game developed by them. I remember when I saw the trailer for dishonored and thought it would be a good game, and then saw the makers and had a smile on my face. Their games are vast, tons of varied content, immersive, and a guaranteed excellent time. Far Cry 3 wasn't made by Bethesda, but it certainly was fantastic nonetheless. The graphics and expansive open world to explore was mind boggling. Then I thought about how amazing it would be if Far Cry had ES elements to it (we all know the machinima quote about the game, "Skyrim with guns" but we all know that's not really true). Nothing would make me happier than going onto one of these fantastic looking islands and setting up a nice house where I could show off the custom guns and possible trophies from performing certain accomplishments. That would make Far Cry 3 one of my favorite games of all time haha. Anyone else agree?


"Tons of varied content".Since when ? Hm....I completed Oblivion,Skyrim,Fallout New Vegas and now playing Fallout 3.By tons of content,you mean tons of bad,short and not interesting missions,along with "tons" of armors that have same meshes with different textures.Yeah pal,you are right.That is Bethesda tradition.They did better job with Skyrim,but still have this problem.Oblivion had better missions and some other things.Same as NV have some good content that FO3 dont have.I played Far Cry 2 a little.I really do not want to see NPC crap meshes that will explode after few shots.Bethesda games are indeed have something "special",but other than that Bethesda games are bad.Far Cry series (F2 & after) was made by one of the best companies.Ubisoft.Ubisoft will never hire lazy workers that cannot make a big variety of good armors and weapons.I remember when i saw many threads that Bethesda want to buy S.T.A.L.K.E.R rights. o_O I tried to imagine how game will look like with Bethesda developers.It will be horrible. :facepalm: Good thing that news were false.


Let's not spoil other games with tons of varied Bethesda content. :happy:

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I was intrigued by what I saw on Farcry 3, but once I got it and started playing it was disappointing. To be frank, I missed the 'fine print' about being a first person shooter. The same with Borderlands 2. I played both for about two hours and haven't touched them since. But that's just me, I want to see my character doing things in a third person view, and I want to be able to create that character as in FO3, Skyrim, whatever. Seeing just two hands holding a weapon in front of me is annoying to me. No one to blame but myself on that one. But, to be fair...The graphics in Farcry are beautiful, and I liked the storyline. The voice overs are very well done...but I just can't get into the game. I loved the 'art style' of Borderlands 2, but again...first person shooter, just can't go with it. I can say that if we had the versatility of first person along with third person, Farcry 3 would have been great fun to play. What little I did play, I could run around and explore, but I don't know how far the open world really goes. Right now, I think the game developers need to start thinking about having viewing options for their games rather then just staying with one fixed point of view.


I for one enjoy Bethesda games, but I don't know if I want to go as far as to say I'd like some of their game elements included in a game such as Farcry. Bethesda does have some issues. I think all game production studios have their 'style' and I enjoy having that variety.


And I will be much more careful about future purchases on any games and read much more carefully. :tongue: Buying two games that I probably will never play again gets rather expensive. :unsure:

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Everyone who's a Bethesda fan of the content they put out (fallout series, elder scrolls series, and dishonored to name just a few of their more popular titles) knows that there truly is something..."special" about a game developed by them. I remember when I saw the trailer for dishonored and thought it would be a good game, and then saw the makers and had a smile on my face. Their games are vast, tons of varied content, immersive, and a guaranteed excellent time. Far Cry 3 wasn't made by Bethesda, but it certainly was fantastic nonetheless. The graphics and expansive open world to explore was mind boggling. Then I thought about how amazing it would be if Far Cry had ES elements to it (we all know the machinima quote about the game, "Skyrim with guns" but we all know that's not really true). Nothing would make me happier than going onto one of these fantastic looking islands and setting up a nice house where I could show off the custom guns and possible trophies from performing certain accomplishments. That would make Far Cry 3 one of my favorite games of all time haha. Anyone else agree?


"Tons of varied content".Since when ? Hm....I completed Oblivion,Skyrim,Fallout New Vegas and now playing Fallout 3.By tons of content,you mean tons of bad,short and not interesting missions,along with "tons" of armors that have same meshes with different textures.Yeah pal,you are right.That is Bethesda tradition.They did better job with Skyrim,but still have this problem.Oblivion had better missions and some other things.Same as NV have some good content that FO3 dont have.I played Far Cry 2 a little.I really do not want to see NPC crap meshes that will explode after few shots.Bethesda games are indeed have something "special",but other than that Bethesda games are bad.Far Cry series (F2 & after) was made by one of the best companies.Ubisoft.Ubisoft will never hire lazy workers that cannot make a big variety of good armors and weapons.I remember when i saw many threads that Bethesda want to buy S.T.A.L.K.E.R rights. o_O I tried to imagine how game will look like with Bethesda developers.It will be horrible. :facepalm: Good thing that news were false.


Let's not spoil other games with tons of varied Bethesda content. :happy:


I think you come off as a bit arrogant and rude. I'm sorry if you're Bethesda experience and quality wasn't up to par with what you prefer, but this thread wasn't meant for Bethesda bashing nonsense. I asked a simple question: Do you agree that Bethesda elements would be cool to add into Far Cry 3? And instead of posting just a simple no and saying those elements wouldn't mesh good in Far Cry, you just bash the company. Good for you, mate.

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Far Cry 3 could use some Bethesda elements.

In my opinion they should be (in no particular order):

a) switchable 1st/3rd person view like in Skyrim/Fallout

b) character customisation (would be nice, but obviously wouldn't fit the story)

c) weapons crafting

d) a decent inventory system

e) Modding tools (though this is more of a CryTek element, given that Bethesda's modding tools are as intuitive as alien technology)


Most of the other Bethesda elements should, in my opinion, be omitted (just think of the "silent protagonist" concept).

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The bad thing with that game is that it has an identity crisis. It doesn't know if it wants to be open world game like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Grand Theft Auto,or linear like battlefield 3 and Crash Bandicoot.

The "free roaming" aspect of it is an illusion. What 'free roaming' game kills me for heading to the direction I want to go ? The basic promise of "free roaming" is that you are free to roam wherever you want whenever you want.

In this game you have to go where the mission tells you,or else an intrusive message appears that you leave the mission zone,and if you keep moving the direction you want,it kills you.

It's other flaw is that it doesn't allow you to choose which mission is active,and you can't say 'yes' or 'no' when you talk to a quest giver in order to be able to choose when you will do a mission or not.

I was moving towards an area where I had something important to do,and on the way I met somebody that above him hovered a "interact" message. So I interacted and he gave me a mission I wasn't interested to do and now the game forces me to do this mission without allowing me to do the other thing I wanted to do before. That's broken.

Yet one more thing that doesn't work is the checkpoints system. In all games ever that allowed you to go where you wanted,you where free to save whenever you wanted. From the very early games like The legend of Zelda on NES,until modern games like Skyrim,that's the norm because that's what works. I don't know what Ubisoft was thinking. Checkpoints where invented by platformer developers to be used in the linear levels of 2d platformer games. It's a mechanic Super Mario Bros had,an absolutely linear game where you have to move from the furthest left part of the screen to furthest right. But even platformers scraped that mechanic when they went full 3d.

These mechanics are featured on Far Cry 3,but they doesn't belong here,they don't stick together,they break the experience instead of making it and supporting it.

Awkwardness. Just that.

Edited by Alithinos
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Far Cry 3 could use some Bethesda elements.

In my opinion they should be (in no particular order):

a) switchable 1st/3rd person view like in Skyrim/Fallout

b) character customisation (would be nice, but obviously wouldn't fit the story)

c) weapons crafting

d) a decent inventory system

e) Modding tools (though this is more of a CryTek element, given that Bethesda's modding tools are as intuitive as alien technology)


Most of the other Bethesda elements should, in my opinion, be omitted (just think of the "silent protagonist" concept).


Good suggestions; except for C (there is already weapons customization) & D I'm not a fan of RPG style inventories at all.

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Unfortunately, they seemed to opt for the method used for launching Brink - instantly turning a potentially great game into a flop via half-arsed corner cutting and lazy compromses with inadequate post-release support.


Thank god there are decent modders here picking up the slack - I bought the insane edition, but I'm managing to get my money's worth thanks to the mods... if I was still playing vanilla, I'd have quit ages ago.

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