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does anyone mind dragonborn is delayed because of ps3?


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thing is.... I buyed a Prepaid game card this month for the DLC... Since it's not released a month and a week the Xbox release, i'm going to use my money elsewhere.... and i don't know when i'll buy another prepaid credit card, so they want to make me wait to get that dlc? they will have to wait a lot more to get my money since i don't buy prepaid credit card often cause it'S not cheap...
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I'm not sure what they are thinking on the whole delaying PC launch.


I suppose there is some concept behind that they will make more money this way. I would think the PC version resembled the XBox version a little bit more though. I suppose they know best and we PC players just have to wait. Removing the game from your computer isn't going to do anything. You already bought it and you aren't paying a subscription.


I don t anderstand why you people are so calm about it. Tes always been a pc saga since the start and Pc users supported bethesda all the way since now. I remember Daggerfall was so buggy, half finished yet we actualy supported the game because Bethesda cared to make very deep and interesting games at that time. SKyrim is not deep nor interesting, it s an adventure game wrongly called RPG.


I myself could still find it fun to play if i know the guys behind it where sincere about making video game for players, but it does seem they just care about money right now.


Now they poop on pc players just to make ps3 players not feel alone bathing in s*** and that is not right.They hide their incompetence to program on ps3 and it s bethesda we are talking about, do you really think dragonborn will be well optimized and bug free once released on pc?

Edited by lolozori
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I don't know anyone else's reason, but I'm calm about it because I know that making games isn't easy. The way people are complaining, they've come across to me as if Bethesda is JUST the development team. The development team represent the quality of the work, but they can't be held responsible for every piece of bad luck or errors that occur during development. Aside from that, a lot of the important decisions, such as what to work on and the final release dates are likely handled by people in management.


In short, if they haven't announced the release date yet, it's because they don't feel it's ready yet. When they are satisfied with the product, they will release it as soon as possible. We've got better things to be angry about than a delayed DLC.

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I don't know anyone else's reason, but I'm calm about it because I know that making games isn't easy. The way people are complaining, they've come across to me as if Bethesda is JUST the development team. The development team represent the quality of the work, but they can't be held responsible for every piece of bad luck or errors that occur during development.


Wait so who is to blame for the bugs? The marketing team? If they release Dragonborn with no major bugs I will hold my hands up and say fair enough and buy it soon after release. If not I will just carry out my plan to buy it when it goes on sale.

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Since there's no difference at all in the actual data files, it makes zero sense for PC not to have this already. The PC is the XBox's competent and capable older brother that can do anything it can do and then some. Performance issues would not be holding anything back. The 30 day Microsoft exclusivity is over and gone, so that's no longer flying as an excuse either.


If anyone actually thinks they're holding back to fix bugs, they don't know this company well at all. History proves they don't fix DLC bugs. Not even when said DLC has a private beta going on. NOTHING the Xbox beta testers reported for Dawnguard was fixed for PC. So they all got to beta test for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Dawnguard is 6 months old and has never been patched, and history says it never will be.


The PS3 situation sucks, but why enrage the PC fans over that? It makes no sense. Especially since instead of telling us what's going on they're spending their time fawning over fan art and tablet support for Dishonored and trumpeting Elder Scrolls Online.

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I'm getting a thick skin about this crap. From the unholy bug swarm mess with Fallout New Vegas to Skyrim to this...feh, we're dealing with a medium that is out of control of itself. Doesn't seem to matter who produces, big games are late, buggy, and arrogant about patches. Yet still we have Steam, rock-solid between us and our own properties. I see advantages to Steam, I do, but I would love to choose. I just went through holy hell trying to sync steam with Windows Live to play Bioshock 2. What a nightmare.


Anyway, that said, the games are great. Really great. Ultimately. It might take five years off your life to get them running, but we're lucky to have some wonderful games coming around.

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So your complaining because it's delayed for a little bit? You do know ps3 doesn't have any dlcs yet right? You should be happy that you got the first two already, though I'm not saying that beth is doing a great job right now just that you should calm down and be patient.


You know what i'm seeing this a lot on the Beth forums aswell and to be honest, although the PS3 has had the worst time of it in the end im a PC gamer of nearly 20 years and i have never been a fan of Consoles, and i have never been a fan of Sony, they do precious little for PC gaming even though they sell PC's and Laptops, Its Bethesda that hasn't released the DLC's for the PS3 it isnt the PC gamers fault, and they say its because of tech problems, where as im starting to think we are waiting due to the PS3 problems and delays, which is worse and wrong imo,


I can guarantee you, over on the GTA forums there wont be a lot of sympathy from the PS3 users towards the PC for GTA V. so i dont see why any pc gamer should be ok at being a second class customer, they have a right to complain if they want to

Edited by laptop1967
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I've played a little bit of Dragonborn on my uncle's Xbox 360, and that makes waiting for it to come out on PC SO MUCH WORSE.


Who gives that the PS3 version doesn't work properly. Do I care? Do I? No, because I don't have a PS3, so CATER TO ME!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I just hope it is out soon. :)

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I think most of the gamer rage comes from not knowing the release date. If Bethesda were to say that the release date is February 19th I think most would calm down. But since we haven't heard anything at all in this regard gamers start to go into panic mode at the possibility that Bethesda will decide to hold off on releasing the DLC indefinitely.
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