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Things We All Wish Bethesda Would Learn


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As long as they've been around, Bethesda still hasn't learned some things that would make their lives easier and maybe even just increase profits in the process. Things like...


Don't hold back content that could easily be placed in the initial release (horse armor and crossbows, it's all on you). I'm sure there's other stuff along these lines.


FFS, LEARN to make hair and faces! I know you can do it. It shows in your concept art. Sure modders can fix it (very well indeed!) but that doesn't help console users.


Don't go on about "We have a really big exciting OMG announcement that our fans have been waiting to hear!" at the big game conventions especially when you know that wording like that is guaranteed to make people go "Yay, they're finally announcing the next TES game!" and then have it be some crappy POS that hardly anyone gives a darn about *coughBRINKcough* That would be like making fans think the next Batman movie is coming and it turns out to be a rom-com or something from the same studio.


Todd Howard, please get a dictionary. Look up the word 'hyperbole'. Make a note of it. the...STOP USING IT. Hundreds of ways to get the diamond, indeed.


Seriously though, i love the games. they just do some dumb/incomprehensible stuff sometimes.

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Tell the truth once in a while, yes Mr Howard I'm looking at you.


Learn how to write dialogue that doesn't come across as if the NPC saying it has suffered a serious brain injury.


Learn how to create faces and bodies, do people in your office look like that? no they don't so why do the people in your games?


Spend a little less time on the gameworld itself and a little more on putting something of interest in it.


Swords and a few meaningless stats do not an RPG make.


Writers, hire some, the days when devs could write the story on the back of a cigarette packet have long gone.


The player should have dialogue options other than "Yes".


Try not to make collision boxes twice the size of the object.


Animation, people do not float, glide or move like robots. Don't mocap C-3PO.


and did I mention "testing"?

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Tell the truth once in a while, yes Mr Howard I'm looking at you.


Learn how to write dialogue that doesn't come across as if the NPC saying it has suffered a serious brain injury.


Learn how to create faces and bodies, do people in your office look like that? no they don't so why do the people in your games?


Spend a little less time on the gameworld itself and a little more on putting something of interest in it.


Swords and a few meaningless stats do not an RPG make.


Writers, hire some, the days when devs could write the story on the back of a cigarette packet have long gone.



and did I mention "testing"?


LOL you win a kudo ;)


All these x9000. How could I have forgotten testing, poor dialog, and toning down the "Ooh, shiny!" in favor of stuff with actual depth to it?

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They should learn to make a good TES game. It's stated to death, but I think Morrowind was the last good TES game. Oblivion wasn't a bad game by any stretch, but as a TES game and especially when comparing it to Morrowind, it definitely falls short. Shivering Isles and even Knights of the Nine definitely made Oblivion worth it, but I felt the MQ became bland and repetitive after a while. I won't even bother mentioning Skyrim. Edited by Passb
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-Bethesda should stick to Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, with the possible exception of reviving the Terminator series of games (Future Shock, Skynet, etc..., and assuming they stick with the original Terminator 1-2 theme). Other games that they only published, from what I've watched/read/heard, range from average/ok/mediocre (ie. Rage, Dishonored, etc...) to outright terrible (ie. Brink, Rogue Warrior, etc...). Elder Scrolls and Fallout are what Bethesda does best.

-Like nyxalinth said, they shouldn't hold back on content that could have easily been in the initial release.

-Don't make useless DLCs. Of course, I'm mainly referring to Oblivion's horse armor DLC. By Ismir's beard, why would Bethesda release a DLC like that?!?!?!?

-Greaves can help prevent arrows in knees!

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-Bethesda should stick to Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, with the possible exception of reviving the Terminator series of games (Future Shock, Skynet, etc..., and assuming they stick with the original Terminator 1-2 theme). Other games that they only published, from what I've watched/read/heard, range from average/ok/mediocre (ie. Rage, Dishonored, etc...) to outright terrible (ie. Brink, Rogue Warrior, etc...). Elder Scrolls and Fallout are what Bethesda does best.


why should a publisher stick to use one or two franchises?

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Publishers dont really have any affect on how crappy the game is anyways, unless they are rushing the Devs to release the game ASAP. it just so happens that Bethesda hasnt published any super awesome OMG games. though ive heard both really good and bad about both Rage and Dishonored. but not as bad as Brink (which i happened to love) Rouge Warrior and WET. but again, Published by, not Developed by.
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Wasnt somewhere announced that in DA3 will be an open world?...correct me if im wrong.


Well my expectations are pretty low, but i really want DA3 to succeed if they plan it as an open world game and take beths lead away, so these guys actually try harder on their next TES game.


Got hyped for skyrim and meh...never going to do that again.




Anyone played/has Drakensang, after watching a few vids im considering getting it, is it good ?

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