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Ok, and maybe you don't understand the fact that its not a good thing this many people are seeing such stupidity?


140 x 7 days in a week = 980 people in a week


980 people x 4 weeks in a month. 3920 people in a month even more people seeing the stupidity but lets just see how many people that is in a year


3920 x 12 months in a year 47040 just for starting a stupid topic!


See what I did there? ;)

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Who says that this will last forever. I doublt that you could ever keep it up for a full year. If you hate it here just leave. There is no poit to you even being here. The reasons i think that people view it so much is becaus we dont like people who screw around on the froum and disrespect it and feel that we need to take action to stop it (do to our great liking of the place and great moderators who keep it clean). Also y the hell would you register on a forum just to complain about it :huh: .
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Riddick, you're missing the point. You DON'T get a dollar for every people watching

this thread. So you don't get 47040 dollars at the end of the year. The best you

can hope for is 47040 amused people, provided it's a good thread, or 47040

annoyed people if it's a bad one. Nothing to do with success, or with money either.

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hey u ppl you speak any language that gibbering idiots like me can understand?


i r about as entertaining as a child's inflatable punching toy. You bop it, it springs back, you bop it again and you forget it ever existed. It slowly deflates in an unused corner, then one day you throw it away. There's nothing wrong with me that couldn't be cured with a little Prozac and a polo mallet, or, better yet, suicide. Maybe i wouldn't diss like such a pathetic loser if i'd had enough oxygen at birth;or if i didn't have a face that is registered as a biological weapon.


my poo is smarter than i am!


its a personal gain and i see that u guys are hearing from me again because i am a BIIIOTCH!!


im vulkin stupid and tight ass' (please stik a cactus up it)



--------In conclusion, i should sit down and shut up before i trip over my own tongue and hurt myself. i shouldn't have scary things like tongues to hurt myself with it makes me want to die because i hate my life and i am so worthless plz give me a knife i want to die right now





peregrine iz teh my w0rst n1ghmare]

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