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Vortex lost all settings - please help


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I tried to download a mod from nexus while vortex wasn't open without realising, and when vortex opened something went wrong. According to the vortex log file I'm looking at, it changed the staging folder and moved logging all to C:\ProgramData\Vortex





Interestingly enough, The ProgramData folder is EXACTLY where my Vortex Data is being saved, (All of the game info, plugins.txt, modlist.txt and DB files etc) it's never been saved to my Appdata Folder, (Although I have a Vortex appdata folder with stuff in it) it's been in the Program Data folder since I first started using Vortex back when it was in Alpha


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A good day is one where we learn something new. Seems most of my days are good days...



Now, this makes me wonder about the people who have parts of Vortex disappearing on them, or getting deleted, while others don't.


I'm going to have to start asking whether they have per-user or shared set, because I'm imagining that any AV or Windows Defender would be more protective of the appdata folder, than it is for the ProgramData folder, but I could be wrong, but it might be a lead worth following



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