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Morrowind Overhaul - Sounds & Graphic


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Hi! I was able to partialy downloaded Morrowind Overhaul - Sounds & Graphic Version 3.0 from the Nexus Morrowind files but on several occasions the virus detecting program posted notifications on a Trojan Virus. Although I can't believe there is a virus in these mods, I like to know what is the reason for these messages. Has anyone experienced tha same situation? I'm running on Windows 7, 64 bits, and the game is installed in MyGames\Bethesda Software\etc. I also notice that at one point the dowload was 2 hours and 34 minutes from completion and suddenly told me that the mod was totally dowloaded but I can't believe it. Thanks for any response
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This is a problem that I have encountered repeaedly. Firstly, I don't know waht anti-virus system you use. Also where are you getting the downloads from? Is it a file-sharing website?


If it is the latter there is no wonder that you anti-virus system picks upp trojans - those sites are notorious for them. Have a look at reputable downlad sites. I'm quite sure you'll find what you're after there.

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This is a problem that I have encountered repeaedly. Firstly, I don't know waht anti-virus system you use. Also where are you getting the downloads from? Is it a file-sharing website?


If it is the latter there is no wonder that you anti-virus system picks upp trojans - those sites are notorious for them. Have a look at reputable downlad sites. I'm quite sure you'll find what you're after there.


Hi! Themisive, thanks for the response.

The antivirus program I use is VIPRE and is suposed to be very good. I have downloaded many mods from this site and this is the first time I get message of a Trojan Virus. This mod was downloaded from the Nexus, which I very much trust and the reason why I posted this message. Is it possible that someone can upload viruses into the site? Once again, many thanks

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This is a problem that I have encountered repeaedly. Firstly, I don't know waht anti-virus system you use. Also where are you getting the downloads from? Is it a file-sharing website?


If it is the latter there is no wonder that you anti-virus system picks upp trojans - those sites are notorious for them. Have a look at reputable downlad sites. I'm quite sure you'll find what you're after there.


Hi! Themisive, thanks for the response.

The antivirus program I use is VIPRE and is suposed to be very good. I have downloaded many mods from this site and this is the first time I get message of a Trojan Virus. This mod was downloaded from the Nexus, which I very much trust and the reason why I posted this message. Is it possible that someone can upload viruses into the site? Once again, many thanks


The short answer to this is Yes. If someone has a system that is infected, they could easiy infect the website without your knowing of it - this even more of a problem if as is possible some people do not even try to use the anti-virus systems they have!

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