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Nvidia and the new hand held console


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Hey did you hear that Nvidia is official in the console market, and this hand held is a beast, its going to compete directly with the top 2 Sony and Nintendo.


So what do you think of the idea of Nvida getting into the console market,.




looks liike this year is indeed going to be the year of the console.


Not to mention OUYA coming soon to.

Edited by Thor.
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I foresee commercial failure. It seems like a completely unnecessary device, with the DS variants and phones cornering the casual market, and the stationary systems (PS3/4, 360/720, PC) cornering the serious gaming market.


Unless the price is sub-$200 (which is almost impossible) I doubt it's going to be profitable. The design alone makes it look cheap to casual eyes, which is going to reflect poorly on the sales.


With the PS4, and likely 720, almost certainly doing away with used game sales, I think the industry is going to slump. I was talking to a Gamestop employee a couple days ago, and they said the management is thinking about reorganizing to just new game sales, which lends more credence to the idea that used console sales are going to end.

Edited by Rennn
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ya if they pull that move they wouldn't get the same player base as they did before, its going to hurt them in the long run, if they actually implement the cd id tag bull.http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mad.gif
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Phones and tablets are taking over mobile and casual gaming, they're slowly killing handhelds off in the same way they killed MP3 players. I have a feeling this will bomb.


@Rennn Things are already looking grim for the games industry, in the UK alone sales of games on physical media dropped by 17% while sales of downloadable games only rose 7%.

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I doubt phones are taking over the gaming market, i mean its a phone. Not to be rude but i can't see phones being a full fledged gaming console, the lack of controls is one and the fact its on such a small screen, its kind of pointless to say the smart phones are taking over the handheld market is dumb in my opinion. Unless something entirely innovative happens, like a psvita-phone happen it won't happen, its like comparing a tv to a phone. its always whatever has the majority. Its not like people are using it for that purpose, if they are its angry birds and small casual games that tend go in that direction. If you really think about it its the casual gaming market that's hurting the gaming industry.



I always get angry when people say that, pff phones taking over the gaming market lol, its casual games that's hurting...


There is no reason why they can't do both.



Although i do agree that Nvidia might fail on this one, but i give them credit for trying.

Edited by Thor.
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I doubt phones are taking over the gaming market, i mean its a phone. Not to be rude but i can't see phones being a full fledged gaming console,


You didn't read carefully enough. They already said "casual and mobile" gaming market.

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Hmm yes but doubt hardcore gaming won't disappear any time soon, think of COD for instants and other mass multi player and fps games out there, if they design it, they'll come. Edited by Thor.
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I doubt phones are taking over the gaming market, i mean its a phone. Not to be rude but i can't see phones being a full fledged gaming console, the lack of controls is one and the fact its on such a small screen, its kind of pointless to say the smart phones are taking over the handheld market is dumb in my opinion. Unless something entirely innovative happens, like a psvita-phone happen it won't happen, its like comparing a tv to a phone. its always whatever has the majority. Its not like people are using it for that purpose, if they are its angry birds and small casual games that tend go in that direction. If you really think about it its the casual gaming market that's hurting the gaming industry.



I always get angry when people say that, pff phones taking over the gaming market lol, its casual games that's hurting...


There is no reason why they can't do both.



Although i do agree that Nvidia might fail on this one, but i give them credit for trying.


I said mobile and casual gaming, both of which handhelds are. Sales of handhelds are in decline while sales of mobile games are booming, Sony can see what's happening and hence this. Phones are no longer just phones, they're pocket computers with a phone app. At the high end they have quad core processors and dedicated GPUs, power wise they put handhelds to shame. The Vita was a nice bit of kit but a commercial flop, Nintendos latest offering while not being a flop came nowhere near earlier devices. Handhelds have always been at the casual end of the market, they're not designed for long sessions but more as something to pass short periods of time, why carry two devices and pay ten times as much for the games if all you want to do is kill time?


They won't kill off proper consoles and PC games, in fact they can be used to enhance them. Microsofts Xbox SmartGlass is a start in that direction.

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