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Shooting games with monsters


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I tried the dead space games, couldn't get into them as far as playing them, checking out let's plays though. My main complaint is that despite all your guns being lasers, you can still shoot something multiple times with almost no effect lol, with guns it makes more sense because you could miss their organs or something, but a laser would just cut them up xD

well that is the point of Dead Space, the fact that the Necromorphs (i think thats the name) keep coming if you only shoot off limbs or something. ive never played the games but i know that that was how they were made. but yea, i never had any interest in them either.

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Most of the games I'd recommend you have been already recommended by others. :)


Another series of games that are FPS and have monsters is the Wolfenstein series.


The fist one (Wolfenstein 3D) is the first FPS ever actually,so its graphics will be Super Nintendo level. But if graphics is not of your concern,it would be interesting to try it out,if only for just seeing how the first FPS game ever played. It doesn't have THAT many monsters though actually,just some zombie nazis that came up as a result of the experiments of a mad scientist.



The second one (Return to Castle Wolfenstein) came out at the PS2/XBOX days and has far better graphics. Features more monster types than just zombies,and now occult plays importance as the nazis do black magic to resurrect some kind of an ancient German Prince of Doom with super powers or something. It is a 'serious' dark and gritty game,that it's more challenging than usual at times.


The third one came in 2009 and features modern graphics. Art direction is more comic/artsy like,and now you get super powers because of some kind of ancient magic artifacts. Feels more like Indiana Jones. It borrows many features from call of duty like iron sights,and health regeneration,and is noticeably more easy than the first two games. The original series fans bashed it for being 'dumbed down' and while it doesn't have the same feel as RTCW,it is a game that can be fun and enjoyable to someone that didn't played RTCW on its time to have high expectations from it.


Edited by Alithinos
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I get that the point in dead space was to cut off their limbs, that's kinda what i mean though, a laser would cut them off in one shot, not 6 or 7 lol. and i meant more the traditional monsters, not psychopaths like nazis :P guess there just aren't that many on the PC eh?


Also DOOM 3 BFG edition is supposedly utter garbage, it's a horrible console port that's very poorly optimized for PC. The only reason to buy it really was the shoulder mounted flashlight, and there's a mod for PC that already lets you have light + weapon.


EDIT: Found this game called "Necrovision" on Gamersgate, anyone have experience with it?

Edited by DarthFalcon
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