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vortex load order issues bijin aio 2020 skyrim se


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so for some unknown reason vortex changes my load order from what I set. it has been doing this for a couple of months now. i was able to correct a couple of them by making them esm files and forcing them to load early multiple follower mod as example needing its data folder to load before its other parts. before I did that I was not able to keep it in the proper load order. vortex would continuously change this mods load order and some times during game play. when this happened I would get CTD restart vortex and find that the load order had changed. like i said I was able to over come this issue by making the data folder for that mod a esm labeled with wrybash. BUt now i have a the same issue with it happening with bijin aio 2020 (labled as bijinaio2018.esp) this file how ever needs to load after 5 other bijin mods that are to be active but have their esp disabled. when loaded in proper order all works like it should. BUT vortex sorts this mod and changes the load order to place the AIO before all other bijin mods. I have tried everything I know to correct this issue with out success. currently getting a warning about cyclic rules conflicting with a master rule that bijin aio loads before the other bijin mods unable to deploy. I can over come this temporary by uninstalling the full bijin group of mods then reinstalling them but is it a 10 min, 1/2 hour or who knows how long fix before my load order is resorted into the wrong order again by vortex. HOW DO I FIX THIS ISSUE? I am forced to have 5 esps enabled that are to be disabled per the mod author. I have used vortex since it first came out and have had very little issue until now. I have also used the bijin mods through several updates with out issue until the 2020 aio update. how do I get rid of the master rule that is causing this issue or get it corrected so my bijin mods sort and load in the correct order ? then I could be able to disable the 5 esps and have everything working properly again. with this in the wrong order it is causing no face, dark face, base appearance to modded npc CTD and long load screens. with the mod disabled CTD and/or long load are non apparent if not non existent. is this a issue that the loot master list needs to be updated? The automated sorting works great until it does not and then it seams very difficult to correct. I have disable auto sort re-enabled tried several tools enabled dis abled mods uninstalled reinstalled ....... does not appear to be access to the master rule list to make corrections, is there? Do I possibly have a vortex install that has become corrupted? arrrh its really not fun when things do not work like they should.


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I am aware that they are supposed to be disabled or deleted.


I believe I have most of my vortex issues with changing load order (all on its own) taken care of. I Had a broken windows update that had corrupted several files (Steam, Vortex, adobe and several service processing files. I have reinstalled that update and replaced the corrupted files with clean ones and the mystery changing load order seems to have stopped.


I am Still having issue with bijin load order though "cyclical warning with bijin AIO and Bijin NPCs"







Failed to sort plugins. details


cyclic interaction detected between "bijin_ AIO-sv 2018.esp " and " bijin NPCs.esp


Bijin_AIO-sv 2018.esp

[Masterlist load after]

Bijin NPCs.esp

[ User load after ]

Bijin_AIO-sv 2018.esp




I however did not make this rule nor can I find it in the manage rules tab in vortex to correct it.

Same error shows up In Loot running separately. It does not show in edit meta data either so I am not sure have to correct it.

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