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and the forward assist


Honestly, the forward assist rarely if ever works that well. If the bolt doesn't go all the way into battery then a *light* tap on the forward assist is a good idea. If that doesn't do it, your best bet is to yank back the T handle and start praying.

If you haul off and hammer on the forward assist when there's crap inside the weapon, chances are you're just going to jam things up worse in most cases.


Now, the exception to that is when you're trying to be super-quiet while chambering a round, you can ease the bolt down really nice and gently and that won't be enough force to actually get the bolt all the way forward, so a little bit of pressure on the forward assist snugs up the bolt fully forward, and you'll be ready to go with very minimal noise.

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Why do all the people requesting this gun come across as 13 year old Counter Strike players? There's a reason people ask for older guns like the Tommy gun, and the main one is that they fit the game setting... the M4A1 does not. Asking for specific guns just because you think they're awesome based on some other PC game like Counter Strike or Rainbow Six or whatever isn't wrong in any way... neither is listening to techno or rap music on your cell phone speaker in public places, but both things tend to get really annoying really fast.

Also, I've used both M4s and M16s in the real world, and they do not deserve nearly as much praise as they've harvested from the bog standard FPS gamers.

Contrary to your belief, mods or requests for them do not have to fit Fallout Lore. Continue making posts like this one and you will find yourself with a strike or worse.


LHammonds (File Admin)

Contrary to your belief (apparently) I did not say that a mod had to fit Fallout lore, even with taking into account the difference between lore and setting. Yeah, that's right, I didn't say it had to fit the setting. What I did was point out the reason that many people requested older guns to someone who was criticizing other people's requests for those same older guns.

I'm pretty sure I pointed out how nothing in the OPs post was in anyway wrong. I was just expressing my annoyance with Tony007's post.

But by all means, go ahead and give me a strike if you think you're justified.


CFriis (Nobody Special)

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Contrary to your belief (apparently) I did not say that a mod had to fit Fallout lore, even with taking into account the difference between lore and setting. Yeah, that's right, I didn't say it had to fit the setting. What I did was point out the reason that many people requested older guns to someone who was criticizing other people's requests for those same older guns.

I'm pretty sure I pointed out how nothing in the OPs post was in anyway wrong. I was just expressing my annoyance with Tony007's post.

But by all means, go ahead and give me a strike if you think you're justified.


CFriis (Nobody Special)

I guess I did not make myself clear in my last post. When I said not to continue posts like this one, I was referring to your abusive attitude. And yes, I noticed your post seemed to be sway back and forth on your points but your method of delivery was the problem.


You were warned about personal attacks such as this by another moderator, do not continue these mistakes.


LHammonds (File Admin)

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  • 4 months later...

hey um just getting somthing clear here, this is about the resquests and comeents, i follweed that link that the admin posted about the something about some one any ways


fallout has a 1950 theme because the culture just stayed locked there of course the technology advanced faster then what really happened ( in real life here ) and so every thing like the 1950's version of tomorrow switch is today, so in a mest up way were just tomorrow and not today


but we went to war whit china so they made the " AK 47 " but with a 5.56 and we made the " g3 " and at the climax of it all a beginning of the nuclear war war.


and now were 2177 1 hundred years later so and so


bye the way NATO was disbanded and we'll you did annex to Canada, of course that was f3 said when f1 and f2 say the opposite we tryed annex to us, and that enclave did not exist and brother hood was the i guess us gov ( well the only thing coming close to it )


so in a way older guns are out of place but there not because if the culture was locked into the 1950's Rambo would be seen with a Chicago type writer ( m1a1 Thompson )


i have no clue how this has anything to do with any thing

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