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Reinstall F4SE Icon


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For your situational awareness: When I launch Fall Out 4 from the F4SE_Loader ICON in Vortex my game does not start. I get the Hour glass on a black window background. I have to use the windows "Task Manager" and select "End Task." However, when I use the Desktop ICON mapped to the same F$SE_Loader.exe file...it launches okay. Eventually, I deleted the ICON in Vortex to the "F4SE_Launcher" and reinstalled it. That worked. Now, after 5 days of troubleshooting...which was fun..the ICON in Vortex works. Just wanted to put it up here for anyone having the same problem.



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Probably what happened during the uninstall and reinstall, is that your TARGET and START IN directories where set properly with the reinstall.

The problem is usually caused by a missing "Start In" entry, example, if both the TARGET and START IN fields don't contain paths, the exe won't work properly


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