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All my mods disapeared


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Hi ! I'm writing this hoping someone can help me.


First, you must know I'm on Windows 10 and my vortex version is 1.2.17.


It's been on week since I started re-installing Skyrim (oldrim) and rebuilding all my mods setup. It has taken me a few days to do it properly, making sure all my mods have all their requirements, that they're all compatible, etc. You must know I am not new at modding though I am not a modder, I know how to install all this stuff, and how to use vortex. I used NMM in the past and started to use Vortex since it has been released. I might have done a mistake, but I am quietly sure it is not one of those common mistakes we make when we start to mod (forget requirements, disable esp's, remove files or folder manually, ..).

So, knowing that, and the time it took me to make this new mod setup properly, you might understand how desperate I am right now.


Few days ago, I've finally finished all my installations and check-up, with cleaned saves, and everything was ok. I finished this late so, when I saw everything was ok and ready to play with, I went to F I N A L L Y sleep, knowing I could play the next day. But when I launched vortex after that (one night or two passed whithout me using my computer at all), all my mods were gone.

Everything was still here in the skyrim folders (steamapps/common/skyrim and steamapps/common/skyrim/data), and nothing changed neither in vortex folder (AppData\Roaming\Vortex), BUT nothing appears in the mod manager. All the plugins were disabled, and no mods appeared at all. All the rules, all the categories I've made, were gone.


I KNOW, I can simply put back all the mods in the vortex folder and reinstall them, but they would not appear in categories, neither with the nexus links (maybe it's useless but it bothers me to lose evrything I did), and of course I have to configure all the rules again, not even thinking of the testing I must do again to be sure each mods was setup properly.


So, is there anyway to make a backup, to know what happened at least ? Does vortex have a way to get back all the rules and mods in proper categories and install order ?


Thank you

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