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This ever happen to you?




While I think it's funny as hell, it is still kinda annoying and it happens to me often and with different companions. Sometimes a PRID and MOVETO will fix it. This is a fresh install and only just started happening.



Edited by Athelos
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That happens now and then with my follower, hardlyt ever to me. I either save-reload, or go through a load door to fix it. I think it's just a navmesh problem. It reminds me of the black knight from monty python who keeps fighting after he gets his arms and legs hacked off..

Come back here and take what's coming to you! I'll bite your legs off!


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... but I don't want my legs bitten off!! ;)


The sinking into the terrain often happens when mountaineering or when you summon your NPC's with one of the follower mod support "spells". If you get submerged into the floor, hop or use TCL from the console and walk back up. If you use TCL make sure no other ID code is on your screen once in the console or it/they will get the "benefit" from no collision. As always, make a game save prior to using and console codes.

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