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Vivec problem


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When I went into Vivec, I stole some of the guard’s armour. I then made the mistake of talking to one of them and now every time I go to Vivec all the gaurds attack me. Any advice on how to solve my little problem?
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Load the game again, but don't talk to them this time. Or don't nick the arour in the first place (there is a dead Ordinator somewhere in Vivec you can get a whole set for free and no one attacks you)
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reload the game. if u didnt back it up, then basically there's nothing u can do as far as i know. but i suggest wiping the floor with em, i hate ordinators!! :P u wont get a bounty on ur head or anything if they attack u first so u just get a lot of free indoril armour! :D
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Yeah, wearing the Indoril Armor of an Ordinator, even once, is enough to permanently piss them all of; it has something to with it being an afront, as if you've disgraced them or something.


There are mods that will "calm" them or you can choose to "taunt & kill" but those are the only ways I know of to be able to wear Indoril without risking your neck. Well, there are console commands yes, but those have to re-entered each time you load up your game of course. If you can, just go back to before you pinched that helm or whatever.


If you really want some indoril, there's an in-game cheat for killing Ordinators I could give you. But what fun would that be?

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