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[WIP] New Vegas Bounties Update

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Unfortunately he prefers to jump from one idea to another instead of finishing something...

First this buggy Inheritance and never a real patch for the bugs, then this next month, next month, next month updateghost here, then this russel companion and soon probably firebase zulu as the next wip forever project.

I give up hoping and waiting for Bounties III, Fallout 4 will bei out lang before even 50% of all this stuff is finished.


So what if he takes a while to make his mods? They're his projects, and he can go at whatever pace he wants to. Not only that, but he takes the time to improve on already amazing work in order to satisfy the community. Waiting an extra week, month, or however long might not be the most sought after pastime, but when it comes to his mods its absolutely worth it. Just because you don't have the patience to wait doesn't mean its necessary to insult someone working hard for the benefit of us all. If you don't want to play his mods, go somewhere else.

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I love this mod and I'll have to say that the writing is sublime. The speeches of all characters are very good and crafted to almost perfection. I'm a writer myself and I would love to work with someone like Someguy on some of these mods.


Although I'm not much of a talented modder myself, however I am learning as I do find this interesting.


I remember downloading quests from fallout 3 and they where just very poor, new vegas the quests have really stepped up from the modders, this one definitely. Playing New Vegas bounties was a great experience and I have to thank the people who made the mod. I'm not currenlty playing The Inheritence, and I'm really enjoying it so far. I've been talking to 'Bradley' and the writing is very good, the scripts have been well thought out I can tell, just from asking him certain questions I can tell he is his own man and not just the same s#*! as everyone else.

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People who want revenge. Like, You kill Killer A so the brother/friend of Killer A will come to you for revenge.


Be careful what you wish for - I live for scripting that stuff. Some of it is already in the works, along with more nuanced, possibly unexpected consequences for the player's actions in other mods.


I don't mind having the killer's associates coming after me. That was one of the things that added to the mod, and it made sense, considering what Randall told you at the beginnig of Bounties I about people coming after you looking for payback. But please, just no more snipers, ok?


Charlie Half-Cocked and all the others like him can go eat a d**k.

Edited by Falkner1992
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NOOO!!!!!!!! Charlie half cocked rules!!!! more snipers!!!!!!!! more!!!!!


how about "the judge's men" [or glanton's posse, or whoever] keep coming after you?


a day without blood is like a day without sunshine, and you know you're in trouble when you have to go looking for sunshine.


[p.s. sally ribben may be a deaf mute but that doesn't stop her from saying hello for some reason {as i recall}]

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This would never happen at all, it would also never have the time, but just for the sake of imagining, the thought of having a Bounties 4 with a Jason Bourne type story would be great.


Since you're now working for the NCR, and reading all the articles which are in NVBII it seems that the media are heating up a big conspiracy against this hitman that is you, if anyones bothered to read them anyway. It would be interesting for a typical corrupt pollitician to order to take your character out after this trilogy is finished, and you're now on the run from the NCR.


Obviously this couldn't be so one dimensional in that case, as you could be currenlty helping the NCR at Hoover Dam and you would be walking in NCR territory an awful lot. But you wouldn't have to keep it like that, in the Inheritance the main guy mentions that the NCR has corrupt polliticans in it's organization. That's interesting, if they seem to be asking your character to take people out and then the people are comig onto them, they will want to kill you so there's no evidence of that. So most NCR wont even know who you are, it can be that casual, only one or two polliticians are hiring secret men after you, so you working with the NCR will have no affect at all and it would actually make sense and be relevant.


Just a thought anyway, I think that would be really interesting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there. Congratulations for keeping alive this awesome work :)
I'm a bit confussed as what's going to happen once the revamps/updates/improvements are ready to go. Will this update a previously played NVBI & II or should we re-play them? No complains here, I love to play them :) but I just wanna know.

On a second question: should we also replay The Inheritance or are these updates going to recall the decissitions already made in The Inheritance?
That's all, thanks in advance! :)

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Yeah, I've already completed NVB on my playthrough, and am holding off NVBII for a bit so I can play this new version. Will I be able to do that, or will I have to play the updated version of NVBI first as well?

Edited by johnners
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  • 2 weeks later...

So I just need to say that I hope someguy2000 has just been busy with the mod or RL since he's been quiet for almost 2 months now and hope that nothing bad has happened in his life or suffered a hard-drive crash.


Still looking forward to the updates for Bounties I and II, The Inheritance and the release of Russell.

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So I just need to say that I hope someguy2000 has just been busy with the mod or RL since he's been quiet for almost 2 months now and hope that nothing bad has happened in his life or suffered a hard-drive crash.


Still looking forward to the updates for Bounties I and II, The Inheritance and the release of Russell.

he hasn't said anything for a while:o

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So I just need to say that I hope someguy2000 has just been busy with the mod or RL since he's been quiet for almost 2 months now and hope that nothing bad has happened in his life or suffered a hard-drive crash.


Still looking forward to the updates for Bounties I and II, The Inheritance and the release of Russell.

he hasn't said anything for a while:o


Usually when that happens he's either knee deep in mod work or busy with real life. He'll come back sooner or later he always does.

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