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[WIP] New Vegas Bounties Update

Guest deleted2159825

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he hasn't said anything for a while:o


I did say he went quiet for almost 2 months now.


Usually when that happens he's either knee deep in mod work or busy with real life. He'll come back sooner or later he always does.


That's why I said I hoped that was the case and not something bad or serious happened in his life.

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spoke him to yesterday. stuff got heavy. he's chilling and getting back to it.


considering the work load he has given himself, you will just have to give him time


It's good to hear from him (albeit by proxy), hope everything is well. I check back here nearly everyday, I'm excited for his work to come to fruition. He can take all the time he needs.

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Thanks for the update man :smile: I hope he finds the peace of mind he needs.


i mailed him to check he was okay, and at some point around then he came here to see how much people were complaining about the delay.


he wants everyone to know he appreciates the support, so ..... i don't know ; "keep on rockin' in the free world" i guess.


let's be reasonable grown-ups and presume that maybe even more than a month isn't so long to wait, and heck there's plenty to do in the mean time. you could read a bike, or ride a book or finally watch all that neat vintage porn your great grand parents used to make. while you're busy with that, somedouche9000 will still be squirreling away like a fine arteest [sic] on delicate coding protocols and such.

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The fact that he is alive and well is all I wanted to know. I can wait a year for his work, after all New Vegas ain't going anywhere, and my interest in it will never die. Sides, I got other stuff needs a seein' to.


So Someguy, glad your well! I'll be seein ya.

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Guest deleted2159825



First, please accept my apologies for the sudden and unexplained drop-off in communication. Whatever RL threw at me (and it did put me through the ringer a few weeks back), I should have made time to explain my absence, if only out of courtesy. Nonetheless, I sincerely appreciate the ongoing support and encouragement displayed in the forums; it's been a major factor in motivating me to jump back into the GECK this past week.


To be honest, I was a bit burned-out and frustrated back in May, as drama over VO and the realization that I'd over-extended myself (three projects simultaneously) really hit home. I hate to admit when I hit the wall, so I just cut myself off from the Nexus and modding for a spell. In addition to resolving real-life issues, I managed to find some time to read, watch some films, and actually play games (people don't realize how much this is lost when one picks up modding). I even managed to beat Prophesy of Pendor (Great mod, but it's a ballbreaker). Nonetheless, modding isn't something one can simply quit (insta-meme). Before long, a combination of creative impulse and/or guilt sets in, and you're inevitably back in the saddle.


I've probably invested more energy in this update than any other modding endeavor thus far, even the inchoate Firebase Zulu. It's one thing to create a new project from scratch (hence the relatively rapid production on The Inheritance). It's another thing to essentially dissect and overhaul code and content made two years prior. I had been modding a grand total of four months when I started on NVBII (back in the fall of 2010), and the inexperience became painfully obvious as I rooted through its inner workings. I also understand that thousands of players have enjoyed this mod, and many more will likely play it long after I've left New Vegas (if that day comes). As such, I wanted to leave behind a stable, balanced experience for the player, and also link it to the larger narrative of the someguyseries.esm. This has all been accomplished, more or less. Along the way, I've been fortunate to have the counsel and input of numerous community members, all of whom added fuel to the modding fire. Thank you.


I was determined not to re-surface unless I had something to show for my absence. The public betas for NVBI and NVBII are now online, under the "Optional Files" category. Here are some things to keep in mind:

- The VO is still not finished. The Judge is partially finished (about 1/2), and Doc Friday is missing dialogue. I will try to get in touch with Reebdoog again.

- I wanted a public beta in order to test out the new content against a wider array of mods and playing styles.

- The next version of The Inheritance is inbound (tonight or tomorrow). It has code that links it to NVBI, NVBII, and Russell.

- NVBI is compatible with old savegames, but NVBII version 1.3 is problematic. Your best bet is to replay the ending of NVBI (which triggers the set-up of NVBII).

- I'm not touching Russell until these damned updates are finished. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Though rest assured some of my real-life angst will find its way into his characterization.


Anyway, thank you again for your support, and sorry for my vanishing act. I'll at least make an announcement next time I take an arbitrary sabbatical.

Edited by someguy2000
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And here I was all dead set on waiting a few months and engaging in a self-imposed New Vegas exile, but nooooo, you had to come back didn't you? You and you're quality content! But I won't be having it! f*** no, thank you kindly. Begone, sir, and dare not show your face till the solstice comes!


In all seriousness, I'm glad you're doing well (or better, at any rate), and pleasantly surprised at such a quick return.


Though rest assured some of my real-life angst will find its way into his characterization.




Yes, channel that angst, shape and feed it, all for the entertainment of us rabid gamers.

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