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Is bandwidth on this site purposely bad to get us to pay?


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Just wondering, I know you run a large service, but I am getting the impression that I feel like I have to pay to really take advantage of this service if I want reliability... With a free account the Nexus runs terribly most of the time U use it... With gateway times outs, web page not available and constant hang ups when I am trying to search around. It's very frustrating, but I really don't want to pay to download free mods.
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Try picking a server closer to you.


- The gateway times out not only for free, but Premium users aswell - only occasionally happens to me.


- Download speeds were good for me, prior to being Premium



You are under absolutely no obligation to ever get Premium, you can still use the services they're just slower. That's like saying "Why should we pay for something, and get exactly the same as the free guy?" Same principal if you look at it from other sides.


Besides.. if you paid say $40 i think thats what the price was.. It lasts a Life Time assuming you don't start being a moron.



You have been here for almost as long as me.. Perhaps not as active (I've not been particularly active really, as I'm on and off with Bethesda games like a light switch) - But you do realise that the investment from the people paying for premium, is a one off payment (If you get the Lifetime one; i believe is like $40) and it is used to increase server capacity, speeds etc?


Not being funny.. But that sounds like you are the "want everything for nothing" type :\

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The only problems i have is when the site is down for maintenance or during downtime, ive always been fine with downloading can select any server to get the same speed without any connection problems etc.
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The service isn't free. Somebody pays for it. Thats part of the problem with the world and people in general. Everybody wants something for nothing. I get the same hang ups you do. I get time outs, gateway issues. I get slow times and disconnects. I have times where I get logged off just going into a mods pages. Does that mean I am going to complain, even though I pay? No. This is the internet. My connection goes through countless nodes to AND from The Nexus. If you know how to get to a command prompt, pull one up.


when you get the little curser in the funny black window where the little light is flashing, type this




then hit enter. = the DNS of "http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php"



Each one of those nodes or entries is a system/server/trunk your pc connection is going through. You may not care, but your data does. I have 21 hops myself (ONE WAY). Some of these locations have packet loss and some have extremely long pings. If you understand how packets are created and managed, you would have no problems as you understand how headers are added and stripped across the entire transmission from point to point. How packets are sequentiially sent, but not necessarilly received that way. Lost packets, corrupted packets or late packets get requested to have them resent. It takes time. Each one of those nodes is paid for by someone. They allow your data and FREE request to pass through. sometimes your data is prioritised by type, sometimes its in general traffic flow. somtimes its packet size limited, and sometimes not all packets follow the same path.


The more people that use the service (or the internet), the more congestion it has. You want Nexus to support more pople, then get more people to support Nexus. IT doesn't mean you have to donate a million $$ (but let me tell you the hardware IS expensive to buy, support, and maintain - not to mention the bandwidth and additional software and service the Nexus Admin have to purchase, licenses, domain, taxes, plus other costs). If a lot of people did donate to support the site, they might be able to continue the amazing products they give us and who knows, maybe increase the service availability.


Now there's the other end. The modders. Have you ever supported them? Most have a donate button for PayPal. Programming costs them part of their lives, family and friends. Sure they are not expected to be paid for their work. THey certainly don't required it in almost all cases. But its not free for them either. What compensation do they get? most pople won't even leave a DECENT or positive note on their mod or in the forums, its usually a daily mess of discontent by people who DEMAND things..for free. Most modders can handle criticism. A little FREE click of support for their mod, a Kudo, a thank you. Anything, after all, its FREE.


Then there's all the people who give hours looking up solutions for people with game issues. Its almost always the same solutions to the problems, but we do it anyways. WE struggle with your game problems as if its our own. Most times we get a thank you .. At other times we get crucified because we didn't have the right answer, it wasn't replied to fast enought, and your "request" was a DEMAND. That is another FREE service you get. It costs you nothing. People seldom take the 2 milliseconds to click the Kudo button or relay a thank you. THis is not everyone, but it does cover the GIMME GIMME crowd.


THINK PEOPLE! They are offering us an extended and corrected fun filled form of entertainment. People like you rant on and on like some spoiled little brat. These people deserve respect and its people like you who only think the world owes you something for free. The world owes you nothing. Grow up or move on. Mostly Grow up. The world is harsh. Nothing is free.

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I get all kinds of problems with a free account on the Nexus site. Gateway errors, slow loading comments in the mod section. The advertisement Netag the pops up in front of menu selection screen. IE browsing mod files, and screenshots. When I do manually install the area closest for me is Washington DC USA, and even then the file download will hang often. But other days everything goes as plan, well except the damn netag add that is always infront of my menu windows and such. That add is annoying.
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Just tried to download from both Kent and Denver premium servers and I am 150kb and 75kb persec respectively. So its nothing to do with being mean to free users. The site has been running terrible recently with slow downloads and painfully slow page movement. There's a major problem somewhere in the works.
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