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F4SE will not work


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First started as fallout 4 script extender failed, moved to next issue of saying not installed, deleted it completely and reinstalled, continued to say not installed the one time it did not say not installed it wouldnt let me walk move any movement related action besides turn. redownloaded the game and same issue... says not installed when its installed correctly.... (---------right before this issue a mod would not show in nexus when installed and enabled i had to manually delete {brick vault bunker- nexus warning said it was irriversable and to refrain from doint it again}-----) do not give usless feedback plz(not beginer)

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First started as fallout 4 script extender failed, moved to next issue of saying not installed, deleted it completely and reinstalled, continued to say not installed the one time it did not say not installed it wouldnt let me walk move any movement related action besides turn. redownloaded the game and same issue... says not installed when its installed correctly.... (---------right before this issue a mod would not show in nexus when installed and enabled i had to manually delete {brick vault bunker- nexus warning said it was irriversable and to refrain from doint it again}-----) do not give usless feedback plz(not beginer)



How did you install it?


With a Mod Manager?

If you used a Mod Manager, Which One?


Which F4SE dependent mods did you install that messed with your Character being unable to move?


You said a "Mod would not show in Nexus" What is "Nexus"?

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i meant vortex not nexus sorry. i first had it installed through vortex automatically, when i tried auto through vortex again it gave the same issue of saying not installed, so i did it manually making sure with videos ect that i had it correct and i did, only launched through the f4se launcher and the issue continued. im going to assume the newest version update of 2020 only one i could find so far in 2020 for f4se. i did not install any that messed with it the issue of not being able to move started when f4se started saying it was not installed.

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i meant vortex not nexus sorry. i first had it installed through vortex automatically, when i tried auto through vortex again it gave the same issue of saying not installed, so i did it manually making sure with videos ect that i had it correct and i did, only launched through the f4se launcher and the issue continued. im going to assume the newest version update of 2020 only one i could find so far in 2020 for f4se. i did not install any that messed with it the issue of not being able to move started when f4se started saying it was not installed.



So F4SE launcher exe and the associated DLL files are in the Fallout4 game root directory?


And F4SE is in your Vortex Dashboard, and Set to PRIMARY (Little white banner should be showing) in order that if you start the game with Vortex, it will run automatically.


Also, which mod did you delete manually, because doing that can confuse ANY mod manager



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i deleted (the brick vault bunker) and yes were in root directory white banner was there and even showed in vortex to sort load order, but kept saying not installed.


Did you put the SCRIPTS Folder in the DATA Directory?


You should have





in the Game root directory


You should have all of these scripts in your Fallout4\Data\Scripts directory





Did you install it with Vortex?


I wish people would install it manually.

What version of Vortex are you using?


In the Dashboard, do you have the START IN and TARGET Paths set?


BOTH fields need to be filled in


Like this


If the Start in Path isn't filled in, Vortex will claim it can't find the Script Extender








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