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A couple of suggestions for Vortex but first I'd like to say I really like this program -good job people!


New feature Request - Now I know you have a sort of backup extension (Thanks GarethP), but I would like to request a good export to comma delimited type function for mods, load orders, plugins - everything. Include Nexus links and all that jaz.


New Style Request - Allow for rearranging the order of the "starter" dashlet. I have a lot of starts!


Lastly, a feature bug oddity. On the Recently Managed dashlet, if you set it to 33% wide, the Games listed do not wrap. And for that matter, on the width setting, it would be nice to have a "50%" option.


Oh yeah, one other thing, when running MO2, you know how if you are installing a patch or hotfix, MO2 gives you the option to Merge the hotfix into the Mod it fixes. I can't find how to do that in Vortex if it exists. Only comes into play if you have lots-o-mods I guess.


One more, is there a way to tighten up the mods list (Plugins too), I think the gaps between mods seem overly large leading to a waste of real estate.


Really I'm being a bit nit picky here - I really do like the software and as it gains power I like it more and more. Somebody posted a link I saw of a feature compare table of all the Mod Mangers but I can't find it. If some kind person can re-post - that would be great.




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One more, is there a way to tighten up the mods list (Plugins too), I think the gaps between mods seem overly large leading to a waste of real estate.




Have you gone to SETTINGS---------->THEME, and changed it to COMPACT?


You can also change to Style and Size of the Fonts, Margins etc

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Yep, ended up spending a bit of time in the css files because I hated the sliding toolbar but liked the rest - not my strong point and it took way to long but I think I'm at a place I like.





Oh, one more thing just in case you aren't aware of it


sometimes the space in the Mod list comes from the name of the Mod or Plugin being way too long.


You can change the name of a Mod (After it's installed) by Double-clicking it, and editing the name in the MOD NAME field in the Right Hand Panel that pops out.

It will go back to what it originally was named if you uninstall it though



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