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So we all know that doing Deadric quests to get the artifacts they grant is basically the equivalent of selling your soul to a particular demon for power. And several other missions make no effort to hide the fact that your soul is forfeit to Sithis (Dark Brotherhood), Nocturne (Thieves Guild) Hircine (Companions) or Morag Bal (Dawnguard)



Plus, we have the option of becoming "partially soul trapped" during the Dawnguard missions.





So... if we do a mission for every Deadric prince and complete all those aforementioned missions... What happens when we die?


Where does our soul go? Or rather, to whome does our soul go?



If we effectively owe ourselves to each and every Deadric prince - plus the Ideal Masters for good measure - when we die, who gets the claim on it?


Food for thought.

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The main character's of Elder Scrolls games always have a loophole to get out of their Daedric bargains.

-The Nerevarine gained corprus, making him physically immortal, and obtained CHIM, making him spiritually immortal.

-The Champion of Cyrodiil became Sheogorath, a daedric prince whose soul cannot be taken,


and The Dovahkiin is greatly implied to be to have taken the first steps to becoming a new Talos, meaning, much like the Champion of Cyrodiil, he will get out of it by becoming a god.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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The main character's of Elder Scrolls games always have a loophole to get out of their Daedric bargains.

-The Nerevarine gained corprus, making him physically immortal, and obtained CHIM, making him spiritually immortal.

-The Champion of Cyrodiil became Sheogorath, a daedric prince whose soul cannot be taken,


and The Dovahkiin is greatly implied to be to have taken the first steps to becoming a new Talos, meaning, much like the Champion of Cyrodiil, he will get out of it by becoming a god.


Plus, remember, this is a Dovahkiin who knows and is allies with the only remaining son of Akatosh, and is also granted a seat in Sovngarde when they die. I think they're soul is pretty well watched over.

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Well, thats interesting because it has been theorized that the coming of the Dragonborn is actually brought about by a Dragon Break and is a universally triggered event, Such is the nature of this appearance of the Dragonborn that the soul of said person doesn't actually belong to "anyone" but rather to a more powerful concept, that of fate. The Dragonborn is theorized to appear when such an event occurs with its only reason for appearing is to deal with the impending Dragon Break :)
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Alright, but supposing somebody who wasn't one of the chosen ones decided to do a favour for all the deadric princes. What happens then, persay?

Not all daedric princes are created equal. The most powerful one is likely to take possession, it's not like they'll lose any love for each other.


Now what a daedric prince would do to a soul that did favors for their rivals, on the other hand...

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Alright, but supposing somebody who wasn't one of the chosen ones decided to do a favour for all the deadric princes. What happens then, persay?

Not all daedric princes are created equal. The most powerful one is likely to take possession, it's not like they'll lose any love for each other.


Now what a daedric prince would do to a soul that did favors for their rivals, on the other hand...


With this in mind, the strongest Daedric Princes are Dagon, Azura, Boethia and Sheogorath. Hercine is likely the weakest, and not even seen as a Prince by the other Daedra, and Malacath, while more powerful than, say, Hercine or Clavicus Vile, is viewd as an outsider because he sorta changed teams after the fact.

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