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Guilt even when bad?


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Megaton is the hardest choice in the game , more so then the end game choice lol.


on one hand you have ten penny, a really nice suit, a pretty cool quest , even if there is only 1 quest chain, and its in more of a "convenient"location to the end few missions.


The bad points is its full of a-holes that are annoying, unrelatable and meaningless to any worthwhile quest, its just not a fun place to hang out, its boring.


Then you have Megaton, its close to beginning few missions in storyline, its closer to DC so easy access for exploring, has tons of side quests and goals, and the people there are worth talking to to learn about they're pasts ect.


The bad point is its a sh** hole, and you get a shack with holes in the sides and a leaky pipe next to it ( unless u do the pipe quest... ), not to mention u live within 100m of an unexploded atom bomb, surrounded by crazy idiots.. fun fun fun.


So yeah it does kinda suck :P

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Not to mention that if you choose to be the "good guy" with Tenpenny Towers (as I did the first time) and talk them into letting the ghouls live with them.......

those arseholes then decide to slay everyone! Even if some of them were pretty arrogant and annoying there's no call for that and it really irked me. Next time around, of course, I slew the ghouls instead.



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Not to mention that if you choose to be the "good guy" with Tenpenny Towers (as I did the first time) and talk them into letting the ghouls live with them.......

those arseholes then decide to slay everyone! Even if some of them were pretty arrogant and annoying there's no call for that and it really irked me. Next time around, of course, I slew the ghouls instead.


There is a way to do that without them killing everyone (waste Roy after you say they can move in - though Tenpenny dies anyway but the others get to live with the Ghouls...).

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Posted Yesterday, 02:53 PM

Megaton is the hardest choice in the game , more so then the end game choice lol.


on one hand you have ten penny, a really nice suit, a pretty cool quest , even if there is only 1 quest chain, and its in more of a "convenient"location to the end few missions.


The bad points is its full of a-holes that are annoying, unrelatable and meaningless to any worthwhile quest, its just not a fun place to hang out, its boring.


Then you have Megaton, its close to beginning few missions in storyline, its closer to DC so easy access for exploring, has tons of side quests and goals, and the people there are worth talking to to learn about they're pasts ect.


The bad point is its a sh** hole, and you get a shack with holes in the sides and a leaky pipe next to it ( unless u do the pipe quest... ), not to mention u live within 100m of an unexploded atom bomb, surrounded by crazy idiots.. fun fun fun.


So yeah it does kinda suck


why r you guys so god ding critical about the megaton house??? Its still nice and at least its big and you STILL get a robot butler! If you want nice, go get the vault theme oh yeh and how do you do those black stuff to cover up spoilers

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oh yeh and how do you do those black stuff to cover up spoilers

[spoiler*]YOUR TEXT[/spoiler*]


Just remove the stars from the boxes and put what you want to hide in the "YOUR TEXT" bit.


Like so:



And the great giant squirrel proclaimed that the Megaton bomb was in fact an acorn genetically engineered by a top secret AI entity who resided on an ancient alien Carrot Mac computer...


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Posted Yesterday, 02:53 PM

Megaton is the hardest choice in the game , more so then the end game choice lol.


on one hand you have ten penny, a really nice suit, a pretty cool quest , even if there is only 1 quest chain, and its in more of a "convenient"location to the end few missions.


The bad points is its full of a-holes that are annoying, unrelatable and meaningless to any worthwhile quest, its just not a fun place to hang out, its boring.


Then you have Megaton, its close to beginning few missions in storyline, its closer to DC so easy access for exploring, has tons of side quests and goals, and the people there are worth talking to to learn about they're pasts ect.


The bad point is its a sh** hole, and you get a shack with holes in the sides and a leaky pipe next to it ( unless u do the pipe quest... ), not to mention u live within 100m of an unexploded atom bomb, surrounded by crazy idiots.. fun fun fun.


So yeah it does kinda suck


why r you guys so god ding critical about the megaton house??? Its still nice and at least its big and you STILL get a robot butler! If you want nice, go get the vault theme oh yeh and how do you do those black stuff to cover up spoilers


The easiest way is to use the "Quick Access" tool to the left which says "Insert: SPOILER" then you can type what you need in the box which comes up and the coding is applied for you.

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