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Guilt even when bad?


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I've never felt guilt while playing Fallout 3 (or any game, for that matter). It was quite straightforward: on my first save, I was a goodie two-shoes, on my second save, I was a blackguard. I played both of them at intervals, for example, doing a quest the good way on my first save, doing the same quest the bad way on my second save.


Between the two extremes, I preferred being good because of the advantages, but I didn't feel guilty when I chose all the evil options in quests. Both were quite amusing, but the Evil path was most fun for me, it gave more freedom.

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Guilt? Nah. Playing an evil character is cathartic instead.


Even though I am going for a real evil character next playthrough, I am not going to go around killing everyone. Mass murder is not evil, just plain psychotic. Plus it locks you out of too much of the game.

(Sidenote 1: KOTOR 1 and Planescape Torment had really rewarding evil campaigns, and unfortunately are the only two I can think of where you were not automatically penalized for trying to be lawful evil or neutral evil.)

(Sidenote 2: I consider someone who psychologically traps people in deep pits of despair and then profits from them, or who pledges an oath to help someone only to then betray them, to be much more evil than a mass murderer. It's much more evil if your victims have to live with the knowledge of what was done to them. In Fallout 3, I consider Moriarty to be far more evil than Mr. Crowley -- Crowley just wants some people murdered to profit from them, Moriarty keeps whores, slaves, and blackmails people.)


High on the todo list: Blow up Megaton for caps and a nicer place to live, enslave people, make sure the Wasteland guide is a death trap ("to disarm a mine, jump on it..." hehe), side with the slavers, side with the Commonwealth then betray them after I get my payment, destroy Angela & Diego's future, etc. etc., and finally side with Eden in the end.


I'll be heavily using the mods to enslave everyone and the wasteland pimp package to trap the women under my rule, as well as some other "enhancements" of the sort.

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  • 6 months later...

I tried playing evil as I could the first time around, blew up megaton, blowing everyone's head off and didn't feel too bad about.


Then I stumbled into paradise falls, found out about slavery, ooooh pretty dark, but as soon as I saw the dialogue option with Eulogy of wanting kids, I was like I'M DONE and started a new good character.


I didn't know anything about the game at the time and I'm was like Jesus Christ how far down the rabbit hole do I have go to be fully evil in this game, rape kids?? It started feeling like some secret social experiment to see how *bleep*ed up people were and I got really wierded out by it, lol.

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I tried playing evil as I could the first time around, blew up megaton, blowing everyone's head off and didn't feel too bad about.


Then I stumbled into paradise falls, found out about slavery, ooooh pretty dark, but as soon as I saw the dialogue option with Eulogy of wanting kids, I was like I'M DONE and started a new good character.


I didn't know anything about the game at the time and I'm was like Jesus Christ how far down the rabbit hole do I have go to be fully evil in this game, rape kids?? It started feeling like some secret social experiment to see how *bleep*ed up people were and I got really wierded out by it, lol.




I think we're all experiencing the typical, healthy emotional reaction to such scenarios. Let's hope we don't meet the one who revels in it all and just wants to make it real. Yikes.



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Guilt? What is this....guilt?


I do whatever gives the best rewards personally. Burke payed more, so I blew up Megaton. Salvery payed better than not being a slaver, so I joined up with the Paradise Falls crew. Heck, even nabbed a kid from Lamplight without even feeling the slightest bit guilty.


I routinely kill any wastelanders, scavangers, ect. that I find, then eat/loot their body. SM hostiges the same.


Though I do have my moments of moral abiguity. Killed Wernher in The Pitt, because while I condone kidnapping kids from Lamplight, it just rubs me the wrong way to kill a kid's parents then steal the kid for testing. Also, killed both guys in Point Lookout. They annoyed me. Though I usuially drop the Brain first (then go downstairs and pulp it with a shotgun) then pop Desmond from behind with two barrels of buckshot to the brainpan. Also, helped Harkness for his rifle, turned him in for the perk, then popped Zimmer and Armitage with Harkness' rifle. I suppose that balanced out.

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I felt really bad about being an evil character. Plus, going around and killing everyone gets boring. I didn't really think there were enough 'evil cities' to make being evil worth it. It's like, you turn on a radio and all of a sudden people want to kill you?


So I always play a saint.

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i play a Very Good character who does exactly what she likes and makes up for any lost Karma with Finger bounty.


although it has to be said, that she did not Blow Up Megaton, as that would have made her Father very sad (at the point of death, no less...there's the real guilt-bringer).

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