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Guilt even when bad?


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i dont feel guilty, doing bad things in games usually makes me chuckle. the more extreme the better.



when i first met the drug addict in Rivet City and he asked me for psycho, i forced him to take his clothes off and suck my %&$! at gunpoint, then when i got bored of that i shot him in the face, dismembered the body with my sword, and threw the pieces into the Potomac. thats also what i did to Three Dog in retaliation for him blackmailing me into fixing his dish, minus throwing the pieces into the Potomac. should have just told me what i wanted to know.



i also like to get drunk and then chase those guys who ask for purified water for miles away from town beating them with the repellent stick (so they dont die too quickly. i wish there was a bullwhip). sometimes i cripple their legs and leave them with just a sliver of health left, in hopes that something nasty will get them as they are hobbling back to the gates. one time Carlos from Rivet City got shot by super mutants that way :D



other times i like to invite girls back to my place, and then as soon as the door is closed i beat them to death with a baseball bat and then either blow the body to bits with high explosives (in my purpose-built basement room) or dismember them with a sword and stuff as many pieces as possible in the toilet.



i also like to enslave people, but until i find a mod that makes collared slaves not fight back when you hit them, its kind of hard to play a sadistic, evil slaver.

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stuffing dismembered body parts in the toilet and beating the homeless with sticks turns you on does it?




I just find your remarks invoke a kind of realism I have to tend with on a daily basis. If you had any talent it would be going to waste here.


I should add that my job title the military was, "Custodial Engineer". A more common name for it was School Janitor. In respect to your mouth I would say that I have cleaned out bowls and latrines which I pulled things out of that would even surprise you.

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