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Speaking to the court mage in Riften and "helping" by answering questions, among which answers are "I don't know... five?", "Swallow a soul gem?", and of course, "Find some calipers?"


I forgot about her... :ohdear: ....Yup, she is funny, I love trying out the different combinations of dialogs with her just to see what she comes up with.... :biggrin:


Plus there's that guy at the Mages College who thinks he's invisible.....And the Dunmer Apprentice Mage there who turns you green and then into a variety of animals.... :biggrin:


I had a well timed situation once also....My Dovah had been in an intense fight with a Dragon...using his Bow and Shouts, etc...Finally brings the beast down and sucks up it's soul....turns around and there's Maiq standing right behind him....Maiq's line..."Maiq does not understand what is so impressive about shouting. Maiq can shout whenever he wants".... :facepalm: .... :laugh:

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Speaking to the court mage in Riften and "helping" by answering questions, among which answers are "I don't know... five?", "Swallow a soul gem?", and of course, "Find some calipers?"


She cracks me up. Same voice actress does one of the Dawnguard NPCs and she's just as funny.

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Speaking to the court mage in Riften and "helping" by answering questions, among which answers are "I don't know... five?", "Swallow a soul gem?", and of course, "Find some calipers?"

"Helping" her will always be a favorite of mine. She's so off in the rings of Saturn but even your completely random answers seem to give her the insight she needs to figure out what she's doing. If she could remember what she's doing. She might be hitting the greenmote a bit too often...

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hearing heimskr said stupid dog..



I have Convient Horses and UFO installed so Lydia rides her own horse as we travel. Last night we came down the hill on the trail behind Riverwood and passed through the back gate, through town and out the front gate heading to Whiterun when I realized I no longer heard Lydia's horse's hooves. I stopped on the bridge and waited but she didn't come. The thought flashed in my head that she must have dismounted at Helgen and started killing bandits so I turned my horse around on the bridge and headed back through town. I found Lydia mounted on her horse just outside the back gate of Riverwood staring at a dog sitting in the middle of the road just inside the gate...both refusing to budge as the dog barked at her. I waited a few moments then decided it must be a bug and rode past the dog to push Lydia's horse though the gate...about then the dog decided to move and Lydia, who apparently doesn't like dogs said, "Stupid dog!" I'd never heard Lydia say that before and I've never seen a dog block her path...had it been anyone else I have no doubt she would have dismounted and tried to kill them.

Edited by Jennifur68
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Speaking to the court mage in Riften and "helping" by answering questions, among which answers are "I don't know... five?", "Swallow a soul gem?", and of course, "Find some calipers?"

"Helping" her will always be a favorite of mine. She's so off in the rings of Saturn but even your completely random answers seem to give her the insight she needs to figure out what she's doing. If she could remember what she's doing. She might be hitting the greenmote a bit too often...



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