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Skyrim's Humour


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I once dropped a standard wooden bowl in the Riften marketplace....someone walked up and picked it up, Mjoll walked over and said "No that's mine" and then the entire town proceeded to slaughter eachother.

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I was just wandering around Solstheim looking for something to do when I came across a cave called Frossel. I drew my sword and started exploring. It was full of Rieklings, and the remenants of what looked like a previous expedition, but nothing I couldn't handle. However, when I reached the end, I saw something that I don't know if it was an attempt at humor on the part of the developers or not, but it made me laugh and say "You've got to be &%$!ing KIDDING ME!!!" There were a whole gaggle of Rieklings bowing and paying homage to... are you ready for THIS?




The "horse" was made up of bones, barrels, and sticks, but it was clearly hitched properly to the carriage. And these little furballs were WORSHIPING it. I just couldn't help it. I laughed almost for a full minute before I finally decided to put these little furlings out of their misery.

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Today my Breton was naked because of reasons and had to take a carriage. The driver greeted him by saying something along the lines of "You have been a good friend, I know it's not much but take this as a sign of my appreciation", and gave him a set of merchant's clothes. :biggrin:

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I once dropped a standard wooden bowl in the Riften marketplace....someone walked up and picked it up, Mjoll walked over and said "No that's mine" and then the entire town proceeded to slaughter eachother.


That is a favourite pastime of mine when I am bored...only seems to work in Riften marketplace for me though

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Today my Breton was naked because of reasons and had to take a carriage. The driver greeted him by saying something along the lines of "You have been a good friend, I know it's not much but take this as a sign of my appreciation", and gave him a set of merchant's clothes. :biggrin:

I laughed for reals haha.

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It wasn't very humorous but it made me smile, i was just about to uninnstall the whole game cuz something bugged pretty hard & i've almost given up hope than suddenly after months and months playing Skyrim for the first time ever a funny dialogue starts between


Maven & Mjoll in which Mjoll calls Maven cold heartless b&@*$. :)


Yeah, that's the thing about Skyrim to this day always something new and unpredictable happens.

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Stealthily making my way through a bandit lair, I pulled a torch from the wall to reduce the light in the area, and dropped the extinguished torch silently on the ground.

Out of nowhere a bandit made a B line for the torch, politely returned it to me, then detected me after which he attacked :dry: .



This dismissive and pushy companion of mine warns about a spike trap that would trigger when opening a door, he then moved himself nicely in front of the trap... so I triggered it.

Edit 2:

That same companion later warned about not blundering into bone chimes (cause they'll wake up the dead), guess what he did after...

Edited by Bhanqwa
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  • 5 weeks later...

I was just wandering around Solstheim looking for something to do when I came across a cave called Frossel. I drew my sword and started exploring. It was full of Rieklings, and the remenants of what looked like a previous expedition, but nothing I couldn't handle. However, when I reached the end, I saw something that I don't know if it was an attempt at humor on the part of the developers or not, but it made me laugh and say "You've got to be &%$!ing KIDDING ME!!!" There were a whole gaggle of Rieklings bowing and paying homage to... are you ready for THIS?




The "horse" was made up of bones, barrels, and sticks, but it was clearly hitched properly to the carriage. And these little furballs were WORSHIPING it. I just couldn't help it. I laughed almost for a full minute before I finally decided to put these little furlings out of their misery.

Yeah I saw this too a few days ago. Apparently This is a reference to "Cargo Cults" which gained popularity with Islanders in the remote parts of the Pacific ocean who saw the US army receiving goods by airplane, they went onto create fake planes and even airstrips with the belief that they could magically divert the flow of goods to themselves.

I imagine the Rieklings have seen cargo transported by horse and carriage and are trying out their own "cargo Cult" practices.

Well good luck to them I say!!

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