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[REQ] No more M4/M16 requests


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I request an end to the requests for the M4/M16 and any and all variants of said rifle, should it be Barrett, H&K, colt, etc. There's atleast on request daily, and being a 'fan boy' of the rifle, its disheartening to see it rejected over and over. As such I'm afraid anymore requests for this thing is going to finally piss off the modelers, and they'll end up not making it to spite us requesters. I think all of us who are requesting this thing, should just try and be patient and wait for it to finally come out. Many have said that the rifle is in the works, so lets just hold off on these requests.


To everyone else, I think we should try and bump this or sticky it or something so everyone can see it when they first log into the forum. I know that there's a search feature and people should use it so that they can catch on that the M4 isn't an imminent project, but it seems that they either don't know how, or refuse to use it.


Watcha think?

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I think that wanting a gun and showing enthusiasm for it is fine, but people should learn to use the search button before making a new thread. For a while, I was redirecting people left and right to an old thread that was exactly about whatever their new thread was on, but gave it up with the influx of new people.
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