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if you have read my last post you would know that all what you try to say again and again is already understood. you use some theory but you are miserable in applying it in real live. or at least in this debate.

to assume what i probably assume (i confirm i do not think what you think i think!") and buillding up a whole pargraph on this while totally failing with your "logical chain" is nothing but bull***t.

please try to understand what i say instead of totally misinterpreting it and concentrating on ignoring the important part. don't think i'm so dumb that i'm unable to identify your logical fail. with this fail you waste many words without any logic or useful content.

the part of the virus you try to debate is already in the past! trump and some other leaders failed, many other not. i don't know what is so fascinating to repeat this chapter again and again.


the same with perraines claim. this is pure conspiracy without any scientific evidence - spreaded here as a given fact. conspiracy stuff like this was even twittered by trump - and promptly deleted as misleading information.


if we are unable to accept together what went wrong in the last month and that we should do better in the future, we will be unable to go on in the debate. the tendency to inject more conspirancy stuff instead of common sense and valuable information does not make it easier.


the truth is: we have no treatment for contaminated which guarantees no death risk.

to claim the opposite is based on crude, unreliable information spreaded here without any evidence. no one who is serious claims that.

eveybody would be happy if we are in this situation but for the time it is just true fake information.


i'm really wondering where you guys are living and how you are supplied with information.

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Well, I don't know about some of the others posting here, But I get my information by reading peer reviewed Scientific Journals, Publications and un-censored news outlets.


Unlike you who imbibes the Soylent Green, and drinks the coolaid, dished out by the MSM and the "Ministry of Truth". I honestly pity you.



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Well, I don't know about some of the others posting here, But I get my information by reading peer reviewed Scientific Journals, Publications and un-censored news outlets.


Unlike you who imbibes the Soylent Green, and drinks the coolaid, dished out by the MSM and the "Ministry of Truth". I honestly pity you.



He says, while providing no proof of said information, whereas we have all been providing evidence to our statements. Except when we provide evidence, it's fake and lies because it doesn't line up with your beliefs. But when you have evidence, especially the evidence you can't provide, it's truth. Get out of here with that nonsense, either back up your claims or don't 'debate'.



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The root culprit is the Internet.


I will speak primarily of USA politics because it's what I'm most familiar with, being a citizen of USA, but the logic used herein applies globally by nature. If you were to look at the history of US politics you'd find a two-party system at its core (Whigs vs. Tories), so the "Dem vs. GOP" split isn't anything new. Polarizing issues - Slavery, Taxation, Representation, Abortion, Religion - are all nothing new. And of course, the taking of humanist issues (man vs. man) and attempting to spin them for some type of gain is nothing new. None of this is earth-shattering, it's all old as fudge.


What IS new, is the HOW's, not the WHAT's. HOW we retrieve, parse, and disseminate information. HOW we react to conflicting sources of information. HOW we determine what even IS information, and what is merely "fake news." And the answer is predominately via an instantaneous - or near enough to make no difference - pace.


It's no longer a waiting game. As soon as I'm done posting this message, it's available forever, at will, for the entire world to peruse. And before you even read word one you've likely already formed a first impression. By the time you see some keywords you've already determined (at least in your point of view) where I stand on "the issues" and whether you will even attempt to take me seriously. And by the end of it all, nothing will have made a difference because it's "just" a post on a video game forum.


That's all thanks to the Internet. For better or for worse, you don't have to worry about waking up next to me (unless you happen to be my girlfriend, but I highly doubt she's going to read this). You don't have to worry about seeing me across the fence bordering our yard. You don't have to worry about who I am or what I do and how it all relates to you; all you need be concerned about is "did Dimlhugion say stuff I agree with?"


That trans-humanist cyber-philosophy is simultaneously our greatest freedom and our greatest cage. It offers limitless potential - to view ideas in the naked objective. But what it too often yields - case in point, most of these tug-of-war non-debate threads - is an echo-chamber of predefined subjective. "YOU just listen to Faux News!" "YOU blindly trust the liberal government!" Back and forth ad nauseum.


And it is nauseating. It's repulsive. We are BETTER than this. But the siren's song is just too strong, is what I think. I think we as a country have become irreparably incapable of holding a true debate.


Instead, we just Google the latest headlines, browse the buzzwords, and eat the margarine words. We've all gone fat. Lack of intellectual exercise, and the Internet is our vice. It's the fast food of media consumption, always there, always easy, always prompt.


TL;DR VERSION: the reason this topic devolved into yet another pointless back-and-forth is because that's how we communicate as a society these days. It's either hit the Like button, or Report the post. No middle ground, because who has time for that? The advent of the Internet has morphed us into binary monkeys continually bashing at each other with (digital) rocks. And all I'm doing by posting this is tossing my own stone into the pool.


But damn if it isn't pleasant to imagine the resulting ripples Butterfly-Effecting into something larger...

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I agree with you @Dimlhugion

I feel like I've been doing my best to address every point brought up, and back up my own statements with facts. But sometimes I do let my emotions get the best of me and I'm guilty of some of the stuff you bring up.

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I think we can all agree that covid is out there, it is spreading, and that it can kill...... To deny it, is just a bit disingenuous....... The news is filled with it, from both sides. (and rarely do they all agree on anything at all, even what color grass is...)


As for 'prevention measures', staying away from everyone else is likely the most effective. If you aren't near anyone that is infected, then you are not real likely to contract it. Right? Now, avoiding ALL human interaction would be difficult, if not impossible..... at least, not for months on end. (unless you wanna do subsistence living out the woods, or some such.) Not to mention that some human interaction is required for our society to continue operating..... Wearing a mask? Just is still out on that one. It sure can't hurt though..... I keep seeing different opinions on gloves though... Some claim they help, others claim they don't, still others claim they actually INCREASE your odds of contracting it.... Seems odd, but, I haven't dug too far into that one....


At this point, we are still pretty much in the early stages of the pandemic. We won't know the true cost for some time yet. If we don't find a vaccine, we will continue paying the cost until the virus dies out naturally. Or, we will be stuck with it for the foreseeable future....


I don't recall seeing anything at all about a preventative measure that was truly effective. (aside from hiding at home, and not seeing anyone....) I saw a lot of rumors, and then I saw a lot of articles claiming it was misinformation. (and Trump REALLY isn't helping on that front.....)


I also hear rumors of various companies selling vaccines...... Yet I haven't seen anything at all about their effectiveness, or even what testing they have gone thru. Folks seem to be spending huge piles of money on it though.... (well, governments, and corporations.....)


What's the truth? I sure don't know. Not like I trust ANY of the mainstream media outlets........

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  • 2 weeks later...
i would be happy if people discover their common sense again and try to act constructive - including debates - instead of being proud to demolish, to put things intentionally in a wrong context and to celebrate their basic school logic.
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  • 4 weeks later...

i would be happy if people discover their common sense again and try to act constructive - including debates - instead of being proud to demolish, to put things intentionally in a wrong context and to celebrate their basic school logic.


Common sense is the root of all sense. Excited by the spirit we put into our mouths, coffee, tea, cakes, pudding, and pies. When we use our common sense we know no lies, just the food in front of our faces and the challenge that it takes to remove it and make into something pretty delicious looking. Dull grains of wheat why do I ponder dressing you? Dull carrot why did I grind and mix the pulp with flour I got from grinding and mixing egg white and sugar with butter from cows milk into it all and make a carrot cake? Wasn't the tummy content just mixing them one after the other?


MOM! Those people out there want some of the bread we made. You know those people we asked to help prepare the grains of wheat we got? Now that we have done all the work ourselves they want some. The Little Red Hen.

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i would be happy if people discover their common sense again and try to act constructive - including debates - instead of being proud to demolish, to put things intentionally in a wrong context and to celebrate their basic school logic.

"common" sense is what got us where we are today. I would much prefer folks exercised GOOD sense. :D

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