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How to update the CreationKit?

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Good day everybody!


This is a stupid question, but I just updated Fallout4 to the latest version and now I have to update the CreationKit to keep working on stuff.


Fallout 4 gets updated through steam, like every other game.


But how do I update the CreationKit to work with the most recent version of the game?

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Usually the CK updates automaticly, besides one point:


Most of the time, the new CK comes also with a new bunch of scripts. Those are in a .zip called "base" or something similiar.


Unpack this zip file and copy the new scripts over the old.


Thats already everything, far as I know.

Edited by taryl80
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I NEVER use the "Bethesda launcher thing" for anything.

I just used it to download the CK and then use it through ModOrganizer2.


I absolutely despise applications like Steam or this "Bethesda launcher" thing.



But everything works fine now, I tried to compile some scritps and it all seems to work :laugh:

Edited by YouDoNotKnowMyName
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