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[LE] Change order of quest objectives.

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I actually have two different questions.


The way my quest works you need to have a lot of objective markers, it has 11 and they are all displayed at once. To help keep the objectives in order, I tried changing the IDs of my first two objectives so it fits in the list alphabetically. In game they just show in the order they were created in! Even if I delete them and recreate them using the same IDs they still appear in their original place.


Also, is there a way to make the objectives selectable? Like the Misc quest, but without actually putting in the misc quest.


None of these are necessarily game breaking, but if there is any way I can improve the aesthetic I would like to know. My mod is gonna ship soon and I want to make it look it's best.

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If you create additional stages you can breakdown your objectives into smaller groups or even individually. Each stage will handle one objective or a set of objectives, complete that objective and advance to the next stage for the next objective or set of objectives.

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If you create additional stages you can breakdown your objectives into smaller groups or even individually. Each stage will handle one objective or a set of objectives, complete that objective and advance to the next stage for the next objective or set of objectives.

That's probably what I would do normally, but in this case it's extremely important all 11 objectives are available at once. It doesn't look too bad when your inside cities, but some cities are outside and it crowds the compass a bit. The game will embolden the closest objective so it's not horrible, but it might be a bit inconvenient if the player has to double check the map in some cases.

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Could you have a separate quest for each item? All the quests started by the same trigger. That way you could turn off individual targets at will. An ending quest could be started when all of the individual quests are completed or the ending quest could be started at the same time as the individual ones but to get to the next stage the individual quests must all be completed. The ending quest could track the total number of individual quests that are completed and have a stage of 1 completed, 2 completed up to all completed stage.

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Could you have a separate quest for each item? All the quests started by the same trigger. That way you could turn off individual targets at will. An ending quest could be started when all of the individual quests are completed or the ending quest could be started at the same time as the individual ones but to get to the next stage the individual quests must all be completed. The ending quest could track the total number of individual quests that are completed and have a stage of 1 completed, 2 completed up to all completed stage.

Sounds worse than lumping them all together to be honest, imagine having 11+ quests in your list! I think what I have isn't too bad, some things are getting moved around to different quest anyways.

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I have answered my own question! As it turns out, it just shows the objectives in the order the script sets them in, I don't know why it didn't dawn on me till now. So (90) is at the bottom, and (5) is at the top.

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