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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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It's really nice to know how things are run with the Nexus sites, and it's not boring at all! I'm about to become a premium member as I'm using these sites more and more, I love them. It's also really nice to know that users of the sites come first rather than corporate greed, so sick of all that everywhere we turn. So, it's in all of our interests to help you continue in that philosophy. I would happily contribute to occasional donation runs if you ever decide to go down that route to help you with costs (like Wikipedia does from time to time). Thank you guys so much for all your dedication :))
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I tip my hat to you and your staff for making Nexus the Best service out there! I wish there was a way we could all help with the upgrade to the cluster swervers....hmm.. maybe there is a way we could all help .......... Let us as users by dollar stock - Not Voting or expect any Return - sorta like what the Green Bay Packers do - sell stock but it is really just for show, but the money is real and it will help you and us at the same time.

So what do you all say?! Can we help them out? Send a Dollar or two or three.. since there are a few million of us, won't take long for "Our" Nexus being the Bad Dog on the Block he he.


Just my 2 cents - let me know where to send the dollar!


One Happy Player!

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Just bought a 3 month membership because of this post. I have been meaning to for a while, but I would gladly give my money to this site. Once I get some more money I plan to buy a lifetime membership. It's the price of one new video game so why not? I have spent more hours modding, screenshotting, and playing Skyrim than I have 5 new games put together.
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thanks for the hard work you put into this site everyday. i will buy a membership as soon as i can get my paycheck, you're so much better than Bethesda because you support every customer the same with total respect and honesty. and you don't care about making Extra money by hurting and attacking loyal fans, you treat every fan with respect and get things working for everyone at the same time not just the richest investor. thank God for people like you.


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hi all

as a recent visitor to your site and finding it very helpfull and full of like minded people

i was to be quite honest supprised to read it was all run by yourself and friends

( i honestly thought it was done by some big consern by how professional every thing is )

so the least i can do is support you by sending £20.00 for a years membership

Wish i was in a position to give more to be honest

keep up the fantastic work !!!

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Your focused on the users and not on money and that is one thing most people in business in general don't have, you keep it for the people and by the people, and for that you are great. And yes i know tech can bore the heck out of people, but if they understood just how hard it is to keep a site or sites like yours running they would appreciate more when you get it going after a few hours or minutes downtime, cluster servers are indeed the best way to load share. Look at how distributed computing splits all the code across computers to speed up development, it also means that one pc goes down the code carries on being made. So keep up the good work, and you will get there



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As a business student I must say your decision wouldn't be the one I would go for, but there's one thing you guys get that many companies don't: you should try to make the best product you can before trying to sell it the best way you can. Actually, if you satisfy the first, the other may follow along, even more nowadays and with your product being internet based. Of course you'll always think of ways to get even better, but you know what I mean. There's a point when you know it's good enough, and when you own something you know exactly when that is.

If you guys ever need money, I'd suggest a Kickstarter campaing. It's changing the way people do their business, and I bet any money that you guys would reach the funding goal and beyond.


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Good Sir,

I must say I´ve never read one of Your comments, and yes, I actually am surprised how much You seem to think about all this. You are a hero, sir!

Now that I started thinking of it, I am impressed how few ads you actually have on this site. And how beautiful it looks because of that. And how much I love to be here, because of that. Yes, you are some kind of an internet-hero.

But, there´s one thing that I´m starting to miss here;

Man, you are the father of this amazing meta-mod, the one thing that inspired me to use my first mods on Skyrim, that made the game from great to fantastic... so, with this great stuff you give the people, why don´t you give them a "donate" button (or if one exists, a button that a retarded person like me can´t miss :-) )?

You know, I´d press it once in a time. To get you all those servers you need to make us happy.



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I would like to say thank you again. Your post is informative I understand the current situation of the Nexus network.

I feel from the post you have devoted yourself to run the service just for the Nexus community, indeed. How amazing...

Going to server cluster looks reasonable in terms of efficient utilization of resources, but should put extra burden to you, considering the transition process. I can't help but hope good luck.

And I'm ashamed of my post on forum regarding recent slowdown of the sites... That's just spamming the team. I'm so sorry.

Also, I'm considering to donate some money in addition to my premium account. Why not support this sincere site and community?


Hail to the Nexus!

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