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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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Good to hear your have the interests of the modding community at heart. Of course sentiment definitely does not pay the bills, and to that end several people have mentioned donation methods below. I'd donate again to help keep this site up and running; every bit helps.


A hearty thank you m8 for all the hard work you and the crew put in. No other site provides the Nexus type of unfettered service to the modding masses.

Edited by lordlunacy
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Thank you dark one, This service you provide is greatly appreciated and the reason i became a premium member was just becuase of how clear it was you did this as a labor of love in the past. I understand that you could get invetors very easily, the amount of traffic you generate is tremendous and even game developers have to accredit a small portion of game sales on the games the nexus support, heck I know it is why I bought mount and blade, world of tanks, and if it wasn't for the great community here on the site and your hard work i would never of bought skyrim but after modding oblivion and morrowind i was hooked. Thank you.
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I have always wondered how you guys manage to run and maintain this enormously huge Nexus portal with just a small ad! Now I know that Nexus has been run on almost bare enthusiasm of the few programmers who maintain it! Considering megapopularity of this site, you should have taken advantage of it, i.e. attach more ads to the frontpage, make a donation button etc. Actually, you know it much better than me. The thing I'd like to say is that you have a great chance to make a huge business on this site, and if you do, the visitors, modders, downloaders will not blame you for that! No way! People have always paid for joy and excitement, and your site provides it free of charge! Now it's high time to think about the future, your future. Again, this site is a great platform for a big business.

I advise you to make attach more ads and donation buttons for varios e-payment systems. I wish you added YandexMoney button, then I'd donate you regularily!:)

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Just wanted you guys to know that I've taken on board what some of you have said re: donations and kickstarters. While I don't want to do anything like a Kickstarter campaign, I might well do something that's a bit like it, but far less make-or-break. Give me some time to mull it over and I'll see what I can come up with, that I'm comfortable with asking without feeling like I'm on my hands and knees begging for your hard earning moneh.


Thanks for all your kind words of support, they mean a lot.

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So, something I noticed just now when upgrading/renewing is that there aren't any options for buying gift memberships, unless I'm just blind (always a possibility!). And the lifetime memberships are just about obscenely reasonable in price...but now I have no way of flinging more money at you next year, or the year after, when something else comes up. I'll be the first to admit that I'm the biggest hermit ever, but even I could find someone to gift with a year of premium membership if the option was there. It could even be an anonymous gift, and I totally wouldn't care--but that would be a way to both support the site AND support, say, my favorite modders if someone hasn't gone premium themselves. Just a thought!
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