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Mod Idea


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I have an idea for a mod. Friendly Dragons, to take place after Alduin is defeated. With the rest of the dragons free to do as they please, a few Dragons are tired of being feared, and seek the Dragonborn for help. After a bit of talking, they settle a sort of tourist attraction. The Dragonborn would call their name on the Dragonsreach Porch, and whoever wants to take a ride around Skyrim can do so. Other dragons oppress this, saying domination should be their goal, and not making friends. Battles ensue, until the Dragonborn is forced to talk it over with Paarthurnax or Ohdaviing, in a sort of meeting of all the dragons. The result will be player chosen. Either agree the dragons should be free to choose their path, and not intervene with one another, decide all dragons should be killers, or that all dragons should be nice.


Just an idea.

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Skyrim: How to Train your Dragon


Do you watch Rick and Morty? Seen the Morty gets a dragon episode?


Two words: Soul Bonding. Bear with me here for a moment as I pontificate upon debatable perspectives of Lore. The way i see it, Alduin is to Akatosh as Jesus is to Yahway. What i mean is that Alduin is Akatosh incarnate, an immortal god in mortal form. Alduin's presence in the mortal realm gives those made in the image of god sentience much the same way the Deadra maintain a conection to give their minions power. Defeating Alduin and sending him forward in time again severs the connection and causes all the living dragons to slowly revert to being simply animals. One way to maintain their sentience is to soul bond with another sentient being but the cost is having ones own life force entangled causing all damage, restoration, buffs and debuffs to be shared.

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This debate could get messy. Everyone has their opinion on what is and what isn't lore-friendly. I'm no exception. That said, all I can do is offer my opinion... which is that this is far from lore-friendly.


My opinion goes like this...


Dragons are by their very nature, prideful. The player is told this by Paarthurnax. He says that Odaviing cannot resist the use of the voice by the dragonborn. He also says that he personally struggles with his own inner nature even after thousands of years. In the soul cairn, Durnehviir expresses similar sentiments. Odahviing himself exhibits this pride and stubbornness when talking to the dragonborn in Dragon's Reach.


Dragonborn: Do you promise to serve me?

Odahviing: "Aam? Serve you? ...no. Ni tiid. If and when you defeat Alduin, I will reconsider."... ("Ni tiid". not time, presumably meaning 'not this time')


Odahviing does not even say that he will do the dragonborn's bidding if Alduin is defeated. He just says he will re-consider. True, he will come to help the dragonborn in battle, after Alduin's death, but is that servitude? Possibly, possibly he wants a good fight and respects the dragonborn. This is not servitude. I'm damn sure he wouldn't do rides for kids.


After Alduin's 'defeat', Paarthurnax states that some may join him in the 'way of the voice' but other's may not listen. Nevertheless, all will hear his words...


Put all this together and I for one would never envisage dragons doing 'Theme Park' rides for pathetic mortals that most of them despise. Even Paarthurnax wouldn't do it, and I can't say I blame him. If it was to be suggested and Paarthurnax (for some obscure reason) agreed, any that had come to his 'way of the voice' would defect.


The dragonborn may have got the respect of some dragons after Alduin's 'defeat' but that's as far as it goes. Some will still see it as a challenge.


the way I play as dragonborn, with regards to Paarthurnax, is that I never kill him, always upset Esbern and Delphine, and I wouldn't even dream of asking dragons to do joy-rides like animals. Heck, I don't even agree in real life to some of the animal exploitation like this. I wouldn't try to humiliate the dragons...


...that's just asking for trouble!


Having said all that, some players may love it. It's just my opinion that I'd never download it.

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I doubt this is a good idea.


Totally lore breaking and against the very nature of dragons.


SOME, like Paarthurnax, might come to respect men and mer, and seek to find accord, perhaps even train the most gifted in Dragon arcana, lore, and thum, others, might live more reclusive lives, but see humanity... or mer---manity?.... or Orc..manity...... or what not as less of a threat than once some may have seen them, but also more resourceful, powerful and dangerous than Alduin anticipated, so they leave them be, they dont engage them on positive terms with regularity, but they do not seek to dominate them again, resurrect dragon preeminence, and some might always see themselves as the ultimate lifeforms on the materiel mortal realm, or Nirn anyway, and regularly seek to assert such, though without much luck one dare imagine with the aforementioned two groups not behind them.


What wont they do?


Become joyrides for the rich of moronkind..... this is not some Disney story. There's no Pete's Dragon here. Puff the Magic Dragon was a nice song, but the reality in the lore of the Elder Scrolls games is that Dragons as VERY VERY far removed from How to Train Your Dragon.


Dragons do not need mer, or men, or even Dovah blooded people like the DB, to define their destiny. Nor would they EVER accept it.

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