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Need ideas for serial-killer RP


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Hello Nexus Community,



I've decided to break away from the traditional RPs of Dragonsalying Nord or Bosmer Thief etc.


I want to try something dastardly and interesting, so I've decided to be an Argonian serial killer. I just want you guys to pool some ideas for this thread so I can craft the experience better.


This is what I have so far:

Argonina named Vrand'Akh


- Goes to new city, finds victims (usually a young, attractive female), stalks her to figure out her schedule

- Waits until she's all alone, sneaks up, kills her

- Loots corpse, taking on item of interest

- Goes to his hideout, enchants the looted item by naming it " [ victim] 's [ item] "


For example, if I killed Haelga, I would loot her amulter and name it "Haelga's Silver Necklace".




This is the only way I can think of to create mementos for the victims. If you have any other ideas, please share.


Perhaps you could suggest a signature weapon? or the motivation of the killer?



Looking for:


A house mod that would be the ideal serial killer house. Preferably a small shack, with lots of shelves and chests.


A mod that creates some sort of memento to remember victims.



Main Skills:


One Handed- for silently slicing victims

Sneak- for stalking and tresspassing

Lockpicking- for breaking into people's houses

Edited by asterix645
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You could also soul trap them (or use a Bound Sword with Soulstealer or a dagger enchanted with soul trap or fiery soul trap) and Enchant a set of gear with their souls (naming each piece after a victim). You could also get a bunch of Black Soul Gems and soul trap your victims but save them somewhere (maybe put them in display cases or whatnot) since they remain conscious.
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I've thought of doing this myself, actually. I'm an abnormal psychology nut, so I've gone to great lengths to come up with a backstory, MO, and signature that seem the most "lore friendly", if that makes any sense. Obviously there are limits to how detailed you could become, and none of the ideas I came up with could really be implemented easily using vanilla assets. And there aren't very many serial killing mods out there. For obvious reasons. I drew up a few very vague profiles, though, that might be of some help.


The only one who ever saw play was a male Imperial who moved to Skyrim after murdering his first victim, his wife. He was a shy, quiet man who felt emasculated by his wife and finally murdered her after she blamed him for the death of their unborn child. He did odd fetch-it and courier jobs wherever he could find them, and such jobs sometimes led him to meet strong, independent women who he would build a fantasy relationship with, though in reality he rarely interacted with them at all. He would become frustrated by what he saw as cold and distant treatment until he eventually snapped, followed her to her home at night, and killed her with a weapon found and left at the scene of the crime. He would strip the body of its clothes, but then in a fit of remorse "redressed" the corpse and posed her on her bed (ie put her face-up on the bed and drop the clothing onto her, not put it back into her inventory). He then took the most valuable item in the house as a trophy.

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you should loot their fingers.


Exactly how would I do that?


I've thought of doing this myself, actually. I'm an abnormal psychology nut, so I've gone to great lengths to come up with a backstory, MO, and signature that seem the most "lore friendly", if that makes any sense. Obviously there are limits to how detailed you could become, and none of the ideas I came up with could really be implemented easily using vanilla assets. And there aren't very many serial killing mods out there. For obvious reasons. I drew up a few very vague profiles, though, that might be of some help.


The only one who ever saw play was a male Imperial who moved to Skyrim after murdering his first victim, his wife. He was a shy, quiet man who felt emasculated by his wife and finally murdered her after she blamed him for the death of their unborn child. He did odd fetch-it and courier jobs wherever he could find them, and such jobs sometimes led him to meet strong, independent women who he would build a fantasy relationship with, though in reality he rarely interacted with them at all. He would become frustrated by what he saw as cold and distant treatment until he eventually snapped, followed her to her home at night, and killed her with a weapon found and left at the scene of the crime. He would strip the body of its clothes, but then in a fit of remorse "redressed" the corpse and posed her on her bed (ie put her face-up on the bed and drop the clothing onto her, not put it back into her inventory). He then took the most valuable item in the house as a trophy.


Wonderful post, thank you. That is a very intricate and believable rationale for a killer, but perhaps you could enhance the "fantasy" part. The Imperial, being the shy introvert that he is, has no chance of striking love with the gorgeous beauties of Skyrim. All he can do it fantasize about them in his bedroom while masturbating to the mental portraits of them he paints inside his head.


The whole 'unattainable woman' aspect could be supplemented if she was married. Something along the lines of the feeling you get when you saw a lovely lady in a relationship with a dastard degenerate. You relay thoughts of contempt in your mind; "I could be such a better partner for her, yet she's stuck with that scumbag".


He could break into their houses, and murder both the woman of interest and her husband. For poetic touch, he could pose their corpses in sexual positions representing eternal love in Sovngarde.


Something like this


I've thought of a significantly different backstory, though it closely resembles the Calixto's little incident.


A simple thing I saw someone say they would do after killing an NPC was place a flower with their body. So that when the authorities found it, they knew who it was.


I thought of that too at first, but it's much too generic. If I remember correctly, the Dark Brotherhood leaves nightshades on their victims as well.


Instead, I'm going to enchant a piece of jewelry with the name of the intended victim... then leave it on her corpse when the deed is done.




Vrand'Akh came to Skyrim in search of wealth and prosperity. He hoped to employ his legendary skills as an Argonian jeweler to embellish the inhabitants of Skyrim with the finest jewels and trinkets.

However, migrating was something he came to regret moments after entering Skyrim. The Nords were bitter and hostile towards his reptilian kind. The ongoing war between the Legion and the Stormcloaks coupled with the return of the dragons didn't help either.


The poor Argonian settled in the slums, making the odd septim or two by running errands and odd-jobs to scrape by.


Throughout this time, Vrand'Akh fell in love with a beautiful Nord woman named Asphodel. However, due to their racial contrast, she could never reciprocate his love. The segregation Argonians faced in Skyrim rendered it socially unacceptable for a fair-skinned Nord to love a scaly green lizard.


No amount of Argonian sonnets or beautifully crafted jewelry could sway her. His love was a lost cause.


Time went by, and Asphodel left to marry a Nord man called Endrahn Ten-Bears.


In a lovestruck, infuriated, blind rage, a devastated Vrand'Akh broke into their house one day and lunged his dagger at the bastard who had wed his dearest Asphodel. Coming to her husband's defense, Asphodel fell upon atrocity... falling victim to Vrand'Akhs ferocity.


The love of his life hand inadvertently been murdered by his hand.


To this day, a traumatized and insane Argonian roams the lands of Skyrim looking for beautiful young women. He crafts jewelry for them, just as he did for Asphodel. The women are then horribly murdered in the cold hours of the night. They are always found nude except for a beautifully crafted necklace around their necks.

Edited by asterix645
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