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Do you guys ever play Fallout like THIS?


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Well, the devastated thing would make a good post-apocalyptic game, but it would need to be in the year after the war. A Fallout set in the Black Rain (October 30-December 31 2077) would be pretty grimdark and awesome. But as to the CTD issue, I've found the new Fallout games fall on their face like an old man with strong will and weak legs. So I get a LOT of CTD, but I haven't noticed a performance difference. The big thing actually seems to be number of saves.

Edited by charwo
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really this is a deep subject how things can be affected by drastic changes but you must think of four important things:


1) Man - is an destructive creature by nature to insure the survival of his speices and beliefs (hence wars) the environment is not an primary objective usually its other men

or women (Dont think i forgot about you girls out there, Remember Troy?)

2) Mother Nature - she is a adaptive and ruthless woman, her skills of evolving speices around the wrold for different environmental changes is a real specialty, i mean we dont

have just one type of cat on the planet or fish there is a varity and this is the same with plants, some are simple water and sun while others eat meat (I will let you think

on that one)

3) Father Time - husband to mother nature he ages and breaks things down to be used over again to create new space, i mean a simple bicicle can sit on the side of road and

be only used for transportatin then it rust breaks down into smaller particles anr renews the soil its a cycle

4) Its a Game - Bethesda made a great game based on a 1950s style world view of the future and its storyline is great, be allow to mod their game is something many big game

companies wont allow, THANKS again Bethesda, but lore friendly mods and non friendly mods are out there it just supposed to make people enjoy the game more


All in all I cant believe some of the mods out there that are completely nuts and funny and then their are ones that are beyond belief but its just to show that our MODDERS universe is one giant resource the gaming community has to offer it.


i am not downing or insulting anyone i am just saying stay open minded you find gems in the littlest details if you relax more


As i say in most my FPSs "Do your job, follow orders, and stay out of my line, or i will shoot you myself" LOL my KDR for friendlies is horrid lol

Edited by Mardrigon
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This looks amazing! I love the visuals that you have posted, thank you very much. I am utterly terrified to try this. Deathclaws out of the treeline? Holy moly I can't wait.


However, I am a little concerned about what a previous poster said about the enemies being able to fire through the trees. And that they can see me much sooner than I can see them. How much does that affect gameplay? Will I have to constantly be using VATS to survey the surroundings?

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Philbur, on 18 Apr 2013 - 14:29, said:

This looks amazing! I love the visuals that you have posted, thank you very much. I am utterly terrified to try this. Deathclaws out of the treeline? Holy moly I can't wait.


However, I am a little concerned about what a previous poster said about the enemies being able to fire through the trees. And that they can see me much sooner than I can see them. How much does that affect gameplay? Will I have to constantly be using VATS to survey the surroundings?

Depends. I use 'Greenworld' and 'Palm Trees' together and usually don't have any problems - still plenty of open space, and (unless your game has something exotic) most of the things you fight tend to charge rather than play sniper anyhow.

Edited by 7thsealord
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I won't lie Philbur, seeing a Death claw or a squad of heavily armed Talon company armed to the teeth coming out of the tree line than 50 yards from my character make me scream like Phillip J. Fry. I can feel my tongue wave up and down. But yeah, its awesome.

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This is a really cool thread and I've enjoyed reading through it. I'm going to try some of these mods out tonight and see what the wasteland looks like! If im feeling especially mean to my gpu I might trying running an enb at the same time. I'll post back my results if you guys are interested. Thanks charwo for the thread and great piccys.

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To OP, really beautiful screenshots! Not the Fallout I remember but beautiful none the less. The Forests remind me of a place called Kaibab Forest in another post-apocalyptic game.


If you wish for it... sometimes wishes might just come true! :biggrin: It's odd how you think about a thing and suddenly there it is.

Just look at this guys!


arcoolka is remaking Fallout 1 using the FO:NV game as its base. Wow... I'm very impressed now.

Can't wait to use this mod.

OMG!!! Finally a reason for me to reinstall New Vegas. NV sure didn't impress me ...well compared to FO3 with Wanderer's Edition, but I cannot wait to play this! REALLY excited!!! :biggrin:


Just to give more perspective, let's look at what these can do for the Pitt




Wholesome Pennsylvania




This is a view from the ruined Highway east of the 10th Street Bridge. It actually reminds me of being on the bridges in Cincinnati



Although its less dramatic than the normal sky, I think this is more justified as its just one steel mill that is active, albeit a massive one,



A picture of the Steelyard. It feels so different than vanilla



The Cathedral of Learning gets some (SOME) of its dignity back.



A northern-looking view of the 10th street bridge at sunset.

If you guys want to see more greenworld DLC stuff, I've taken some awesome pics.

Deserts are for the Mohave.

Wow beautiful! The Pitt 'Pennsylvania' screenshots remind me of some places I've seen in id Software's original Quake somehow. I played that frikkin game religiously for about 2 years :sweat:

The Steelyard *really* reminds me of a place I've seen in Borderlands. Looks cool


What could 200 years represent after the explosion of thousands of nuclear nukes? Nothing. Even the vanilla universe isn't realistic. There is not only the effect of nuclear winter that would kill almost any kind of ecosystem, but also the radiations that can't disappear in 200 years. Nature will find a way, but not before hundreds, maybe thousands of years and there is no way the human kind would survive, not even in vaults like in Fallout because it's likely the Vault would start deteriorating before the world becomes livable once again.

With what we study where I work I have to agree with Val here:

With the amount of bombs used in Fallout's Great War, it *does* make perfect sense that some areas that were bombed more than others, such as the DC area, would still be a Mad Max style "burned out" zone. Especially given the prospect of how a horrible nuclear winter would further negatively impact the ecology of that area more than it would affect others.
Of course, places not bombed as much would have substantially recovered the amount of foliage growing there after 200 years.
But again, heavily bombed areas, such as DC, would not be a lush forest after even 200 years. Note I underscore "heavily bombed" a few times.
Disclaimer: As everyone knows, a place bombed once or so would normally completely recover its vegetation.


Charwo, your forests are beautiful! I do love a post-apocalyptic world with environmental variety :smile:

Well, I'm off to a post-apocalyptic forest myself now :thumbsup:

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