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Sexlab's animations don't work


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So, I wanted to make my own modpack as most of them with sexlab either didn't work or my PC couldn't handle them. I installed Sexlab and Defeat. Of course, all the SkyUI, FNIS and other requirements were installed and updated (some twice).
I have FNIS XXL, the latest version (though, it gives a warning that the Generator is v7.6 and some FNISBase is 7.2, although I don't have any FNISBase files on my PC (sorry if it's something obvious, not for me)), I have made sure to generate the Behavior files in FNIS, I used NexusModManager to download all of the mods (I didn't see the place to put it for the NMM so I leave it here, although I am sure Vortex is the same thing as NMM) and it says there's no problem, I have checked everything through WryeBash and it sees no conflicts as well.
I also found no same problem anywhere online. Seems like I'm the only one having the issue like that. Talking of the issue, I have my animations not working. Like, when it is time for Defeat to come into action the characters just stand. Undressing works though. It seems like SexLab itself is having issues, not the Defeat, but I have no idea, really, I think it's SexLab. Again, I have the latest versions of everything, I play on SLE.

I also got to say, I have installed some mods to improve walking and combat animations, as well as OSA.

On reddit I found a short thread which ended up by the author of it saying "...I didn't even bother looking 2 inches to the right at the install button." but where is this install button? Is it somewhere in MCM menu? Is it in the NMM? If that's so then it has a green checkmark near it, it says it was installed and activated.

Also, to note, OSA works perfectly as well as the walking and combat animations.
And if I left any details you needed to know (such as modlist, game version, ini settings or whatever) please let me know

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This is the Vortex (Mod Manager) Support forum

I know. I have seen one person writing about almost the same problem here, so I did the same. I am asking if I did something wrong during the installation.

P.s. there is no NMM support thread, I think it's because they don't "officially support" it anymore. So this tread had to go there unfortunately

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