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Proposal for new Nexus option: Mod evolution explained by the author


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The idea is good, but few will read it, OP.

Generation Reddit is not interested in knowing how much work and effort you put in a mod. Specially when its a big mod with lots of assets, such as a landscape, for example.

They just want it handed in a plate, and with everything working perfectly.

Although I agree with you that few will read it, I think your cynicism does you no credit. The phrase "Generation Reddit" in your post could be replaced with the word "Humanity" and be just as accurate I would think.


I certainly don't expect people to show any interest into how much effort I put into modding but if you truly feel that users should be interested then maybe ask yourself this:


How much interest do you show in the amount of work and effort put into developing the free software you use everyday, such as this forum software, or the browser you're using, or the development of SKSE, xEdit etc.....

Edited by gnarly1
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I like the idea, but in my own experience, I find that if i'm working on trying to realize an idea, I tend to be more focused on getting it done than documenting my progress. Sure, occasionally i'll spot someone mentioning something and be like, 'hey I tried that a while back and couldn't make it work that way, but this worked', but to take a break from figuring out how to solve whatever problem to document what's going on is pretty far out of my mind when i'm just trying to get it done.
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Isn't this kinda that already? https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Skyrim_Special_Edition


Maybe it could get more documentation and tutorials added but seems like what you are looking for. Personally for me, when I am making a mod trying to document everything I do at the same time in the sense of making a tutorial out of it would be a ton of work. In most cases no one cares how I made my mods or why. I have long descriptions on my mod pages explaining some of the behind the scenes and no one cares 99% of the time already. I feel as long as core tutorials exist out there on stuff like how to edit the worldspace, make a weapon, armor, etc etc that should cover a lot of the core stuff and from there you can create your own mods, the one thing that cannot be learned is creativity though, each modder has to know what their design philosophy is and how to make something interesting.

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So the TLDR is dev logging? Lots of guys already do that as well as streams where they're working and take questions. I see no harm in nexus having a dedicated space for dev logs for people to read and comment on. However I will say that one reason authors tend to play their cards close to their chest is people often interpret ideas or hopes as promises and the more entitled members of the community will use that to make trouble.


Likewise dev logs have a tendency to attract "ideas guys" who start requesting the earth and some of whom can have a real attitude when not acknowledged. This could be making more work for the moderation team unless you allow authors control over commenting which as you can see from your other thread really upsets certain strongly opinionated people.

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So the TLDR is dev logging? Lots of guys already do that as well as streams where they're working and take questions. I see no harm in nexus having a dedicated space for dev logs for people to read and comment on. However I will say that one reason authors tend to play their cards close to their chest is people often interpret ideas or hopes as promises and the more entitled members of the community will use that to make trouble.


Likewise dev logs have a tendency to attract "ideas guys" who start requesting the earth and some of whom can have a real attitude when not acknowledged. This could be making more work for the moderation team unless you allow authors control over commenting which as you can see from your other thread really upsets certain strongly opinionated people.



I dont know if I should call hypetrains "dev logging", but I can say hypetrains are harmful to mod development.

You can understand hypetrains being used for games. They are commercial products, which are sold in the market and bring up a profit. They are made by companies, which have teams of several people working together. And when the hypetrain fails, the company loses money, so there is a compromise.


But a mod is free, and meant to be a hobbie, so I see a contradiction, when someone start a hypetrain for a mod, make several live streams, and even ask LinkedIn profiles from other modders for their team, and then says its just a hobby. Its not anymore a hobby when you use mod development as material for monetized videos or live streams. From there on, it become a business, and the people who joined the hypetrain will be very frustrated when the mod dont deliver what the hype promised. And since the mod is free, the players cant vote with their wallets, so they get even more angry than in the first case.

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The hells a hypertrain? Who mentioned money? Dude seems to be suggesting we have a space to talk about our creative process and document how we overcome our different challenges. Sounds like a dev log to me. And some guys already do those for mods. No problem with that. Sharing information and pointing out how anyone can do this is a good thing.


Google says hypertrain is a game available on steam. I have so many questions right now.

Edited by TRCMods
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Dude seems to be suggesting we have a space to talk about our creative process and document how we overcome our different challenges. Sounds like a dev log to me.



Yes. But some will use this logging for hypetrains. There is a fine line between them.

If the mod is already released, I dont see any harm on it. The modder will be explaining how he arrived at those results. What sources he used, what methods he deployed.

But if it was not released, it will come packed with promises, leading to hypetrains.

Edited by Wolfstorm
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What's a hypertrain?

As I mentioned before authors play their cards close to their chest because user interpret what they say as a promise. Unless an author specifically promises something then even the release is not promised and if they do promise x and not deliver then that's on them. Dev logging can help motivate authors through the long grind and help other authors to solve similar problems. We don't really need a dedicated space for it on this site though because there's so many other ways to do it.



ooohhh hype train. Dunno why I kept seeing an r in there when I was looking at it on my phone.


We already have Wip threads and image hosting. Authors have a responsibility to be realistic and if they do promise the earth and don't deliver it's on them but just showing a screenshot or saying "Hey I'm working on this" is not any kind of promise of anything.

Edited by TRCMods
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I like the idea but I don't think any new tab or anything is necessary for that. As others pointed out, you can always make a new forum thread. Maybe a small notification during the creation of the mod page, similar to something like "would you like to help the community by explaining your creative/creation process and encourage aspiring modders? Make a new thread and do your part!", would help.


I will try to consider this in the future and make threads for it, because the best way to execute such an idea is to make it a part of modding culture / modding etiquette.




The idea is good, but few will read it, OP.

Generation Reddit is not interested in knowing how much work and effort you put in a mod. Specially when its a big mod with lots of assets, such as a landscape, for example.

They just want it handed in a plate, and with everything working perfectly.

I never understood this "generation reddit" crap. Does it include the droves of old people and middle aged Karens who can't see the giant sign 3 feet in front of them and go harassing the employees about the exact information posted on said sign?

It's just the age old cycle repeating: Older generations calling younger generations lazy. We have records of this happening back in ~500 BC.

I proudly stand for my release schedule lol :D Edited by Laubl
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