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Heavy Armor, Swimming, and Immersion


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I'm going to start a new character soon and will opt for heavy armor. Realistically, you can't swim in heavy armor. Doing so in the game would break immersion. I found the mod Better Swimming, which would add more immersion. I was thinking, maybe what I could start doing is strip the character when I want to swim. I was thinking also, maybe instead of striping the character naked, is to put on some fur armor for swimming instead (I could carry around fur armor). If you were to add more immersion with swimming, which would you choose. Do any of you try to make swimming more immersive, especially when it comes to using heavy armor?


Also, is there a mod that makes it so that you can't swim in heavy armor?

Edited by Dubnoman
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Maybe something made from Frost Bear fur. Polar Bear fur is hollow for warmth and buoyancy so I would be assuming the Frost Bear's to be similar. And it would be warm.






Is there armor made from frost bear fur? Anything from a mod?


I might carry around some fur armor for when I need to get to an area that requires you to swim in order to get to. This way, I have some basic armor, and it'll be light, so carrying it around won't add too much to my carry weight. When I'm done swimming around in the water, I'll just go back to the armor I normally wear.

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Maybe something made from Frost Bear fur. Polar Bear fur is hollow for warmth and buoyancy so I would be assuming the Frost Bear's to be similar. And it would be warm.






Is there armor made from frost bear fur? Anything from a mod?


I might carry around some fur armor for when I need to get to an area that requires you to swim in order to get to. This way, I have some basic armor, and it'll be light, so carrying it around won't add too much to my carry weight. When I'm done swimming around in the water, I'll just go back to the armor I normally wear.


I only know of one that gives you capes made of various furs. If someone were to make Snow Bear armour my characters would use it for swimming. Other armour is just too heavy and it's just too damned cold to do without.




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I reckon instead of just making heavy armour preventing you from swimming, making it so that whenever you are over a certain weight you can't swim. :)


I see what you mean, and it makes sense, but I was thinking of removing the heavy armor and swimming, regardless of encumbrance, due to immersion. Now, the encumbrance idea you bring up makes sense, but going around with tons of loot already is unrealistic and kills immersion regardless. You know, it breaks immersion, but it is good to be able to carry around a lot of things. I'm not super picky with increasing immersion, but I like to increase immersion when I can, without going so far that it starts to create hassles and take the fun outta playing the game.

Edited by Dubnoman
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Why don't you make a 'spell of swimming'.



I was thinking about that. I have very little experience with the creation kit, but it should be easy to make an "empty spell" that does nothing when cast, right? Because that is what I'd do. I'd make a spell that you cast that doesn't actually do anything, it is just labeled as a "buoyancy" spell or "spell of swimming" and it'd be all about doing a little bit of role playing once you cast the spell ("Oh boy, now I can swim in my heavy armor! hurr" :biggrin: )

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