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UFO's The Basis for What?


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If there is an unworldly presence bepopping around checking us out , which I'm guessing just started in the first half of the 1900's ?


My own theories go back much, much further than that.

Yeah, ancient alien tin foil time.

My example is the ancient pyramids.

Huge, flawlessly cut stones. So perfectly cut that you can't slide a piece of paper between them. NOT possible with the technology of the time.

Barely possible with the technology of THIS time. And way too much work to do so, to be profitable, or worth it.

Not only that, those stones don't have interior faults. Most of them, have not given way under the amount of weight that they have supported for so long.

Finding those perfect or near-perfect stones, of that size, yeah... how did they do That?


As a sidenote, I'm kinda leaning towards the thought that the stones were molded. Then hoisted.

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It depresses me that there are privileged people that know the truth of some of these great mysteries while feeding us falsities, Zahi Hawass is a prime example concerning the pyramids spouting verbal diarrhea of the true origins of these magnificent works, with such perfection and mind-blowing statistics like aligning with true north with only 3/60 of a degree of error, situated at the center of the land mass of the Earth, these are just 2 things that don't add up to anyone with a brain. How could this have been supposedly constructed by slaves? Some of the huge internal Granite slabs weigh over 70 tons apiece and have been worked to perfection, Granite sits between 6-7 on the Mohs scale while copper is around 3.5, you cannot work a harder material with a far softer material to this perfection, impossible. What was the true purpose of the great pyramid? certainly not to build a tomb for some standard human being, there are no hieroglyphs on the inside apart from a very few added much later on, you would think that such a monumental undertaking would have been documented in minute detail.


NASA (Never A Straight Answer) have destroyed my interest in Mars, after seeing so many photographs with blatant obfuscation I do not bother looking anymore when the interest I have is off the charts regarding the possibility of other forms of life in the universe. Look at the dross they're throwing at us with their 10-billion-dollar James Webb telescope, I don't care for an ultra-clear pic of the horsehead nebula or pillars of creation, seen it with Hubble, aim that sucker at the confirmed planets around Proxima Centauri, the next closest star besides our Sun, it's only 4.2 light years away with at least 1 confirmed planet sitting in the goldilocks zone for a red dwarf and share the results, the inhabitants of Earth aren't going to flip out at extraordinary data (ok, some will) but the majority won't care less so what's the problem?


Never A Straight Answer have informed us of the asteroid 99942 Apophis with a diameter of 370 meters (1,210 feet) inbound with a chance of striking Earth on April 13 2029 and if it misses it'll be back for another go in 2036, not planet busting but it will cause an immense amount of damage nevertheless, then changed it to not going to hit, will pass at a distance of 23,441 miles (the Moon is 238,844 miles away) so that's pretty damn close. How can they produce these numbers to this accuracy? Then there's the Dart mission of bashing an object into an asteroid to see if they could alter its trajectory which apparently was a success, no, nothing to see here we just spent billions of dollars bashing an object into an asteroid solely out of curiosity, my bum they did, again, not telling us the truth.


Lastly, there's the Vatican, why does the Vatican have a telescope? why does the Vatican have need of a telescope? why do they have a facility estimated to contain 53 miles of shelving containing all sorts of texts that are off limits? To see anything in this room you must apply for permission and be extremely specific in the request of any information, if you are granted permission the relevant documents will be produced on request for a strictly supervised and timed session not actually anywhere near said facility. Why the secrecy? what have they got down there that we are not privileged to see? Why are these very few privileged given the right to this knowledge and the rest of us aren't, what are they hiding?


As you can tell I'm not at all happy being treated like a mushroom and neither should you be.

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