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Skyrim suddenly bright/nightvision


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Oh god I'm so glad i found this, had the same problem. I would have never tried to unload Enemy Scaling...


But ain't it odd that Enemy Scaling causes this?

I guess you are right, its a bit odd.

But, Enemy Scaling changes spells and adds some new Spells so why the f*** not :D

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Mine started showing night vision shortly after I used the Tracker power, it may not have been that though. I was sneaking around in whiterun wilderness when it got bright and radial blury then it went back to normal then back to bright and is now stuck on bright, I have tried every spell removal, and I also unticked enemy scaling.esp in NMM, and it is still in night vision hell.


Is there a certain way to unload enemy scaling that I am not doing?

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I'm getting the same, upon accepting a particular quest from the Jarl of Morthal in High Moon Hall and then exiting back into the Tamriel worldspace which funnily enough, contains a ghost in the same (or neighbouring) cell.


What are the consequences of disabling the SkyRe level scaling esp then re-enabling later? Will it wreck my save?

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I, too, am having the same problem. However, I have not installed skyre at all, so I haven't used the Enemy scaling mod. I happen to notice that the night vision only takes place when I'm indoors, and starting a new character doesn't fix it. This problem happened about a week ago. I use True Vision ENB, which I updated recently in hopes that it would fix it, but it was in vain. Attached is a list of installed mods.

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