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What did you like about Dragonborn?


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I liked all the armors and weapons, wish they had made dragonborn versions of the dawnguard crossbow they'll!..


The black books of knowledge where ok, but can't be dropped from inventory and placed on a book shelve or alter at your safe house!..



The houses where different and a fresh change, it be awesome to have a mage mushroom house with the float up features in skyrim, the boat travel is awkward in that it moves below the water and the camera is out of synch, so that why It be nice if the mages mushroom house was in the main land of skyrim!..


the werebears, they should of added the ability to be one with perks, instead of the community making a modded version!..


Owe the one Morag Tong Armor with only one shoulder pad, it would have been nice to have had a alternative with both shoulder pads!...

Edited by hard8
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I loved the Lovecraftian-esque realm's and the feeling of unseen evil and that was about it.


The music was good, the armor was something different but nothing too new, and overall it was good. But thats all you can say, it was good but nothing great.


At least we can now look forward to a bunch of new mods using all the new stuff.

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Oh I forgot to add that the new Dwarven spider companion was awesome, there was 2 or 3 Dwarven mechanical companion's, the one that turns into a steam ball and the third I can't remember!..



I had the Dwarven spider guard a hallways in my safe house, sense I use conjuration over real companions

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Overall I enjoyed the DLC. My three gripes with it though where the inability to become a werebear, inability to pick up Hrothmunds axe (one of the coolest mesh and texture i've seen in vanilla skyrim) and no spears for the player.


However this mod made Hrothmunds axe playable, and temperable Axe of Hrothmund


and this mod so far has the best potential of the current werebear mods

Werebear Transformation


as for the spears no one has made anything yet, so i was giving it a go, but im stuck., I extracted the spear animations from the bsa and put them in my skyrim/data/meshes/actors/character/animations so they would show up under usable animations for the player in the creation kit. but i see no way to apply these animations to the riekling spear, that would be usable for the player.

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Loved it all, just need me some rest now that I finished it (Every time I complete a main quest, I stay off-game for at least a day, dont ask why, I dont know)....And await the long due "Dragon Mount Better Controls Mod" or something like that
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I love everything to do with Hermaeus Mora's realm. Okay, not everything, just a few things really. Well, actually only one. BOOKS! Spent ages in there because I overencumbered myself picking up all the books and refused to put any of them down again. Yes, some people love the new armours, the new swords, new puzzly dungeons. Me, I am wandering Solstheim and having a nerdgasm when I find a book I haven't read yet. :facepalm:
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