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Does anybody know why all those "fire hydrant pipes" are activators?

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Good evening everybody!


This is a question that I have been thinking about for a long time now ....


Why are all of those red "fire hydrant pipe" - things considered activators?


Ther is an option to "activate" them, but when activated, nothing happens.


Are they used for some sort of weird quest that I don't know about or why are the activators instead of just statics?


I had a look in the CreationKit and: Nothing.

There is no script attatched to them or any quest that uses them.

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A similar thing happens with the hedges that Codsworth is trimming when you first meet him (if you break precombineds in Sanctuary). IIRC, it might have something to do with AI packages, but that is a half-remembered explanation I received from years ago, so might be completely wrong. You can add the BlockPlayerActivation [KYWD:001CD02B] keyword to the base object to make it not show you the activate prompt, while still allowing NPCs to interact with it.


I believe removing the "Name" would also get rid of it.





If you don't have broken precombineds and the fire hydrant is part of a precombined mesh, you won't see the "Activate" message. Precombined meshes are just meshes that aren't directly connected to any record after they have been generated.

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I definitely remember seeing one of those be activate-able on my vanilla save, years ago. And then soon after I heard how Todd said there was still some secret in the game that nobody seems to have come across yet (at the time), and I immediately thought that maybe it was the fire hydrant pipes. Like - you activate them in some secret order and then the ghoul whale shows up or something lol.


But I haven't been able to find any of the hydrant pipes be activate-able since then. I just assumed I skipped into a Mandella universe at some point since back then.

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  • 1 year later...

Hmm.. I'm finding activatable pipes ALL over the place as well, drives my OCD nuts that they do not "appear" to do anything, however I click them as I see them. I'm thinking that it may also be related to this mysterious event/secret that Todd was referencing as no one having discovered and being that I've not completed a playthrough in 832.4 hours of play (I love making my settlements for the settlers by hand, with the help of mods in regards to building styles, nothing pre-made), aaaanywaaay, back to topic, when I heard about this secret that had not been discovered my first thought had been that it was the pipes, then I read that another person may also think it's them. "Gotta activate them all!" .. :P

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